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(When opened from a pack)
Gain 20 dust
you forgot to make it untargetable by spells.
A potentially decent nerf would be to make this untargetable by spells
Deathrattle: Summon a Voidlord, restore 8 health to your hero.
Remember the card Shimmering Courser in KAC?
Reverse it and put it on this card. As a warlock player, silence is my enemy, even as controllock. If you can delay turn 6 instant voidlord, then please do it. Make it so YOU cannot target this with spells or hero powers, and your opponent can. This will at least make you wait a turn, and spell-based decks don't have to let you trade by not playing minions.
Remember, voidlord isnt the problem, a 9 mana 3/18 taunt vulnerable to silence is not amazing against midrange/combo/silence decks, but a 6 mana 3/18 taunt with battlecry: discard dark pact and restore 8 health to your hero is too good. Fix Lackey and possibly Skull of the Man'ari, and warlock will be somewhat more balanced. I suggest that cube be nerfed to a 2/8, just so trading is less efficient, and your opponent has more time to look for silence.
Edit: Please let me know why my suggestion is getting downvoted, I would like to know what to change. Thank you.
Silver Vanguard shows how powerful and disgusting is Possessed Lackey, I know one is class card and it should be stronger than neutral but still the difference is quite huge.
Doesn't this say "Darkness rises!" as its deathrattle?
Actually, near the end game, its deathrattle says 'Who dares summon me?'.
59% bad 11% dust it PogChamp
Seriously Blizzard, nerf this fucking card
I can't see how it was smart putting this card + voidlord (which is not even a legendary card), dark pact & a lifesteal spellstone in a single patch and expect some kind of balance.... Before Warlock was more about sacrificing health to draw cards to get more cards for stronger options of what cards to play & synergy but now with the spellstone + dark pact health is hardly an issue...
52% bad lol
Confirms the statistic is BS
Hate this guy D:<
why does he say "They will serve me now" when he is clearly possessed by another demon?
to me it seems to be the demon talking THROUGH the gnome, as if he'll be able to make other people (or demons?) serve him if he takes on the form of a person
Very strong in the right deck. This with Spiritsinger Umbra, Voidlord, Doomguard and Carnivorous Cube along with Dark Pact produces some crazy value turns.
You called it.
Only in the greediest of decks will this card be played. The only way this will ever be worth it is if you pull Voidlord or something else large enough, and that requires some janky deck building with no early game due to a lack of Voidwalker.