4 mana summon way too much damage. This is a treasure that the player can get in Monster Hunt as well as a card that is used by Gnomenapper.
There are 50 collectible gnome minion cards as of Witchwood, keep in mind that all gnomes from wild can be summoned as well. Like other summoning effects, battlecries are not processed. I have not seen any mechanognomes summoned from this, but that may just be my low sample size.
Mekgineer Thermaplug - A 9/7 that has an aura effect of generating leper gnomes! INFINITE VALUE!
Toshley - Decent stats and a spare part on death isn't that bad
Wee Spellstopper - Protect your better minions from dastardly hero powers!
Chillblade Champion - Who doesn't like instant 3 healing? (and also possible trading too)
Knife Juggler - come now, you are already well familiar with the powerful juggalo
Patient Assassin - stealth and poison for trading against whatever powerful minion you like (as long as they don't have AoE)
There are 9 1-attack gnomes, 13 2-attack, 15 3-attack, 5 4-attack, 5 5-attack, 1 6-attack, 1 7-attack, and 1 9-attack gnomes for an average of 2.94 attack. There are 9 1-health gnomes, 13 2-health, 9 3-health, 10 4-health, 3 5-health, 4 6-health, and 2 7-health gnomes for an average of 3.1 health. So the average summoned gnome will have 2.94 attack and 3.1 health or basically be a 3/3.
There are 3 gnomes with taunt, 2 with charge, 2 with stealth, 2 with spell damage +1, 2 with C'thun synergy (can you get C'thun in a random bucket?), 2 with conditional +2 attack (bringing the 2.94 average practically to 3), 1 with poison, 1 with lifesteal (yay), 1 that hurts you (boo), 1 that makes your spells 1 mana cheaper (yay), 1 that makes your opponent's spells 1 mana more expensive (also yay), 1 that makes your minions cheaper, 1 that juggles knives :) , 1 that protects your other minions, 1 that heals you if you have a secret (hello tracker synergy), and 9 deathrattle gnomes with all useful effects.
While it is a pickable treasure, many players will first encounter this card when fighting against Gnomenapper. His hero power of "stuffing a minion into a sack" when he has a full board essentially becomes a 2 mana Assassinate so good luck fighting back after he plays this. This is such a poorly designed encounter that it would be funny if it wasn't so damn frustrating. BTW, he summoned Rin the first time I fought him. I could not get past her so it was game over two turns later.
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hmm... soon i will make a list of all the gnomes, instead of complaining that there is none.
4 mana summon way too much damage. This is a treasure that the player can get in Monster Hunt as well as a card that is used by Gnomenapper.
There are 50 collectible gnome minion cards as of Witchwood, keep in mind that all gnomes from wild can be summoned as well. Like other summoning effects, battlecries are not processed. I have not seen any mechanognomes summoned from this, but that may just be my low sample size.
Notable gnomes
There are 9 1-attack gnomes, 13 2-attack, 15 3-attack, 5 4-attack, 5 5-attack, 1 6-attack, 1 7-attack, and 1 9-attack gnomes for an average of 2.94 attack. There are 9 1-health gnomes, 13 2-health, 9 3-health, 10 4-health, 3 5-health, 4 6-health, and 2 7-health gnomes for an average of 3.1 health. So the average summoned gnome will have 2.94 attack and 3.1 health or basically be a 3/3.
There are 3 gnomes with taunt, 2 with charge, 2 with stealth, 2 with spell damage +1, 2 with C'thun synergy (can you get C'thun in a random bucket?), 2 with conditional +2 attack (bringing the 2.94 average practically to 3), 1 with poison, 1 with lifesteal (yay), 1 that hurts you (boo), 1 that makes your spells 1 mana cheaper (yay), 1 that makes your opponent's spells 1 mana more expensive (also yay), 1 that makes your minions cheaper, 1 that juggles knives :) , 1 that protects your other minions, 1 that heals you if you have a secret (hello tracker synergy), and 9 deathrattle gnomes with all useful effects.
While it is a pickable treasure, many players will first encounter this card when fighting against Gnomenapper. His hero power of "stuffing a minion into a sack" when he has a full board essentially becomes a 2 mana Assassinate so good luck fighting back after he plays this. This is such a poorly designed encounter that it would be funny if it wasn't so damn frustrating. BTW, he summoned Rin the first time I fought him. I could not get past her so it was game over two turns later.