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All the cheap Shaman spells could chain up nicely with Auctioneer.
A bad replacement for Maelstrom Portal since you suddenly don't get a 1 cost minion out of it (essentially making it 1 mana whirlwind only on your opponents side) and this card deals 1 dmg to your board too; which isn't as bad as getting overloaded by 2 next turn when this is already probably an early game cast. Still, you might need to use it if Odd Paladin isn't moving any time soon, but you'll have to ask yourself if "I should run this card to counter 1 aggro deck of the many existing ones?" Like running an ooze to counter Mid. Hunter and Odd. Rogue when OTK Shaman, Zoolock and Cont. Priest are also in meta.
It's nice that Beakered Lightning fills the gap created by Maelstrom Portal, and having a little AOE in Even Shaman is really useful, but the 2 overload is hard. Maelstrom did a lot more for 2 mana, and it's not immediately obvious that being able to play this for zero is worth damaging your own minions and eating a 2 mana cost later. But maybe Thunderhead makes the zero mana cost relevant enough that this is actually very good. (Note that Thunderhead says "after" rather than "whenever," so you'd get the 1/1 rush minions after the AOE.)
I think Overload 2 is to much...it deals 1 dmg to alla minions and not only to enemies
I retract my previous salty comment regarding Shooting Star, I am now a happy Shaman player :D.
It would've been really interesting if it was a 1-mana card so that it could be put in Odd Shaman with on-demand spellpower, but having it be 0-mana is overall more flexible.
Don't 0 mana cards fit in both odd and even decks?
I wish! But no, 0-mana cards are considered Even costed.
Pretty flexible card for all type of shaman decks.
Ok this makes up for all the doo doo legendary spells and weapons they have been giving us ! Amazing card ! Auto include in Even Shaman!
Finally. Replacement for Maelstrom Portal
more support for maly shaman. cool
Screw You Uther