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Great one or two -of in miracle/garden rogue for cycle, early game minion and second Sherazin, Corpse Flower
Hardest choice I had to make with this card:
Cairne Bloodhoof
Sylvanas Windrunner
Xaril, Poisoned Mind
I'm like, "can you give me all of these plz?"
cairne is often too slow and lose you the game if opponents has combo or tempo or entomb
The amount of times this gives me Sylvanas Windrunner and Xaril, Poisoned Mind is just ridiculous but i love this card for that reason<3
why I don't make a Xaril. Played 3 times at a game from these. Love it.
Finally a reason to be glad anubarak is a rogue card.
No matter what comes out of it, its cheap cost has made it a good combo enabler for me.
Awesome card! Rogues have nothing to do on turn 1, and being able to pick a card that fits your curve considerations in advance or just getting Anub'arak when you're up against Warrior (which happens frequently I might add), is simply stellar.
So what will you get from this card?
Well, there are only 27 Deathrattle minions in Standard that this card can Discover (including Whispers of the Old Gods). That's a pretty small pool of cards. Will RNGesus shine his bright light on us in our Journey Below?
That's not the full story though. With Discover, class cards are effectively worth four cards each.
Let's do that again, shall we?
Hmm, interesting!
So for our first card to choose from there is a 52% chance for a Neutral minion and a 48% chance for a Rogue minion.
In total for both Neutral and Rogue cards there is a 38% chance of Discovering a Legendary. This means that, on average, every time you play Journey Below you should be offered at least one Legendary minion! Apart from Majordomo Executus (ok, ok, and the The Skeleton Knight) all of those are pretty great to Discover.
If you land on the other side of the percentages (as in, you aren't offered a Legendary) - which is likely, but not by much for Rogue cards! - you have an equal chance for one of the following:
There are a few winners and losers in Neutral, but the Rogue options are pretty much all upside.
All good news so far, right?
The news actually stays preeeeetty good from here on in.
Discover only offers unique cards - it will not offer you the same card more than once in the three choices.
So, let's say the first card you are offered is a Neutral. This means one Neutral card will be removed from the pool and your chances are 21 Neutral and 20 Rogue cards - still about 50/50 to get a Rogue card for your second of the three. The same applies if the first and second cards are Neutral (at which point you have 2 x 36% chance to get a Neutral Legendary!).
If your first card is a Rogue card, the chances of getting another one are still really good! 58% Neutral, 42% Rogue.
Right now with the cards the way they are in Standard, Journey Below is basically a 2 x auto-include for a new Deathrattle / Gadgetzan Auctioneer deck. If you craft or open Xaril, Poisoned Mind you will have 4 x 1 Mana spells (2 x Journey Below and 2 x Poisons) to activate your Auctioneer, AND Journey Below also gives you a 3 x ~10% chance to Discover another Xaril.
Its probably useful to note that by your own data there is an approximately 38% chance of any one card discovered being a legendary (~50/50 Rogue vs Normal/ 40%, 36% chances of legendary), which then gives you an expected value of over one legendary per cast.
Whoops! I somehow missed that out while copy/paste/formatting. Thanks @Plebbo!
Great! Now I never have to craft Anub'arak.
Why? Discover isn't from your deck. Unless you're thinking Raptor Rogue will be a thing (I doubt it).
Think you missed the word 'NEVER' there buddy
I think I did. thanks buddy
Raptor Rogue is a thing
Can confirm, is a thing
I've been playing it, it's terrible.
Nice card! Love the title, art and the good effect makes it a wonderful 1-drop spell. Will see many uses :)