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Super asian, come in gloom!
After months of "keeping tabs"* and terrorizing standard control decks, the Kabal's intelligence unit has transfered to wreak havoc* in Wild.
Keeping tabs=Stealing Cards
Wreaking Havoc includes circumstances such as, but not limited to:
Tirion Fordring
Archmage Antonidas
Multiple Hexes
Anyfin Can Happen
Emperor Thaurissan
Multiple Ragnaros
and your opponent's Concede Button
Go away please. Never come back.
Everybody being happy about Coldlight Oracle will be moved to hall of fame...
I'm happy, because just 2 more weeks and we finally get rid of this garbage. At least from standard. Did Blizzard ever delete any card? This would deserve it. Or a very decent nerf at least.
Not like the meta was unplayable, but turn 5 either Raza the Chained or this card defined priest in the past 2 years.
Also the currently revealed cards from Witchwood are not very promising, but well... we can hope for a balanced Priest at the very least...
Fingers crossed!
You had a boo boo from a big bad operative? :(
apparently overpowered..
Roses are red...
Violets are blue...
Secret Agent
Coming Through!
i always use this site but never had an account , i read ur comment and felt obligated to create an account just to upvote . im gonna use this as my motto
best example how retarded hearthstone balanced team is, they print stupid unbalanced card like this, this is defenitly one of the most unbalanced card game ever.
should've been 4/5 like Servant of Kalimos
you so right. this minion is way too overcosted.
Obviously busted card. I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid if this had been printed as a legendary.
This should have one less health.
As a secret agent from Russia, I, too, occasionally yell "SECRET AGENT, COMING THROUGH" when i walk down the streets of New York. This is a very relatable card.
Seems weak, could use a buff
Priest's best Legendary.... Just like how Hunter's best Legendary is Savannah Highmane pogchamp
Yes, they are cards after all. I once had a mirror match up with Frost lich Janna because i discovered her.
This card s/b five mana 5/4 not 5/6