Huge Toad
Card Text
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
Flavor Text
Deals damage when he croaks.
Card Sounds
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
Deals damage when he croaks.
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Power creeped Bloodfen Raptor. Both it and River Crocolisk only had the beast tag going for them, now they both have an objectively better card, not even hunter or druid would use them.
Imagine you're at 2 life and you need to get past a taunt with 3 HP for lethal and your enemy has a leper gnome on board...So no, not strictly better:)
Oh, that's a LEG!
I always thought it was a crinkled cigar!
OMG me too XD
your face when you queued vs warwar
I just got to get this as golden! lovely animation
wait so the joke is they made his hands bigger for today? wut?
"Huge Toed" as in huge toes
Eh, more like "Deal 1 dmg to enemy hero" whenever I use it.
all hail the powercreep
RIP Bloodfen Raptor
isn't this a Murloc?
golden animation is horrifying
At least inside is not a leper gnome , phew~~~~
One day. Someone will be down to 1 life, have many, many taunts, and will die to this card.
Or 3 life and the Toad is in a Hunter deck.
That flavour text pun though!
I don't get it :(
Croak is a slang for death. So deals damage when he croaks can mean it literally or as his Deathrattle. It's pretty brilliant!