if the copies have the text too (which, now that I think about it, of course they do) then this would be pretty good in a shadowcaster deck, no? Or, hell, for neutral and grimy goons options, theres blood warriors, getaway kodo, brewmasters.. lotsa ways to put a copy of this back in your hand letting you summon 3 2/2s over and over and over
is that any good? probably not. is it fun? HELL YEAH.
I tried about 15 games with this + Evolve. Then i realized that there are A LOT 6 mana minions you don't want to get from that combo.
Like, half of all 6 mana minions have battlecry's and pretty bad stats.
Even getting three minions with 4 drop stats is insane.
Oh believe me, for the opponent it is horrible anyway.
What is this faceless saying? Sentrible? Sensible?
Those 2 summoned ones say ,,Seeing triple?"
This specific card is my favorite card in the game!
The original Dwarf is a faceless in disguise.
if the copies have the text too (which, now that I think about it, of course they do) then this would be pretty good in a shadowcaster deck, no? Or, hell, for neutral and grimy goons options, theres blood warriors, getaway kodo, brewmasters.. lotsa ways to put a copy of this back in your hand letting you summon 3 2/2s over and over and over
is that any good? probably not. is it fun? HELL YEAH.
Oh my god he was a faceless in disguise! Legit surprised me, Congrats clever Bliz!