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This card is very clever, being a Spell - it doesn't interact with Desert Camel which it would if it was a Beast. Then it would lose its Battlecry and these two cards would suck together.
Now however Fiery Bat can go into Desert Camel decks alongside On The Hunt and all is well.
Canine Archer.
Love that flavor text
Interesting combo potential!
This card is perfect. I have need of beast so many times for Kill Command or Hound Master even for Ram Wrangler . For me this is a good card also the Fiery Bat is the shit in the new cards :D
Not exactly the type of dog you'd want as a pet:
it should be deal 2 damage
but 1 cost 1 damage is useless
also its same as this one
Sure, most of the time it's going to feel like an Elven Archer, but it is a little bit different. It provides a beast and it's a spell, so it's got some Hunter synergy and it can be used to test for Counterspell or be empowered by spell damage.
The Elven Archer, on the other hand, is immune to Counterspell and can also target elusive minions.
yes its, but elven is not a beast which is a huge difference for a hunter
Doesn't affect joust based Hunter decks because its a spell.
but this card is not good anyway because
Its a spell damage but most of hunters are do not use increase spell damage cards
We cant use mad scientist in the standard
and look. this is not fair
So this is why Hunter's Mark was nerfed...
Elven Archer, while not very good, is playable.
Unlike Elven archer however, this card works with spell damage, and I assume is a beast.
So quite good in the right deck but I don't think it should be overpowered.
its a more specific arcane shot IMO, you deal one damage and gain another 1 point of damage for later in 1/1 body. if you JUST want the damage, arcane shot or elven archer is better, but if you want to use the beast trigger, this is a better choice.
This looks like a great card for Malygos Hunter. King's Elekk, Arcane Shot,Quick Shot, Tracking all help with this game plan.
I like this card, but I don't know if it will be efficient enough. Maybe in SMorc hunter.
8 Mana: Lock and Load -> Hunter's Mark -> On the Hunt -> Kill Command something for 5