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2 mana 7/7
Ok, I'm really liking this card in control Pali. Many times in control style games you are waiting around or just have to pass your turn. This fills in those gaps very nicely, where you can choose a minion in the meantime. Against aggro, it's another cheap spell (I run wild pyromancer). Also, getting even a cheapo minion with +1/+1 early in the game can kill maybe 1 or 2 minions, giving you more time to breathe and get to your heals / board clears. And then there are those dreams where you get a second Sylvanis or Tirion. :)
A 2/4 Vilefin Inquisitor is great in Arena!
Blizzard could rename it to "Tirion in the darkness" , this card is insane even more in arena.
Has anyone every compared this to jeweled scarab? Though it isn't a beast and you can discover better/worse than a 3-drop, technically the 1/1 body of the scarab is being added onto the minion you discover.
the shittier minions become slightly better with this card. Love running it XD
It's all fun and games until the moment I got a second N'Zoth from this on my Wild Reno Pally deck.
This is a very underrated card, I currently playing one in my deck. I often get Tirion Fordring, Eadric the Pure, or even better yet, Ragnaros, Lightlord, all with +1, +1.
1/3 Dragon Egg
This is card is like combining a banana and raven idol, and generally combining card makes them better.
But you wouldn't run banana as a collectible card.
I'm just going to take the sentence "This card is like combining a banana and raven idol" and use it out of context, if that's alright with you.
Card is actually really good, I see this as a Unstable Portal and Museum Curator. I expect to see this as a two of in every Midrange/Control Paladin deck. Deciding on to take a early or late-game minions in a Midrange shell is just to versatile to give up. +1/+1 is just gravy on already delicious mash potatoes.
Glad to see the Discover mechanic brought back in a couple cards this set. Nobody wanted more Inspire cards, and God forbid we ever get another Joust card, but Discover just turned out to be an amazing mechanic.
pally Unstable Portal?
More like Stable Portal since you get to discover the card.
Wow, due to the lack of discover cards in this expansion I thought they will leave the discover mechanic as something exclusive of LoE good to know that this good kind of RNG won't leave us! More discover love please!
Finally discovery mechanic comes to paladin! Nice card :)
I think it's a nice card since discover is so strong. Paladin also has some nice big minions like Tirion Fordring and Ragnaros, Lightlord, healing with Guardian of Kings, and utility with Aldor Peacekeeper
Could see play in a control pally deck, play a similar role to Raven Idol, getting something to fit your opponent. However, it's not an auto-include.