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works great with Sanguine Reveler
Hard to tell if this is underpowered or not, honestly.
Fun to play with in the right deck though.
Underpowered as is. Pretty much a 1 mana 2/2 in a world without benefits to deathrattles like Rivendare. I'd be somewhat more impressed if it was 1 mana 2/1 Deathrattle give a friendly minion +1 health.
this is gonna be great from Dark Peddler
I like this card. Seems a lot of people don't though.
Zealous Initiate + Wisp/Target Dummy = Infinity +1/+1 value.
Good point about the not wanting it to get killed alone.
This card into totem gollem is insane!! Thats a 4/5 on turn two!!!!!
Seems kind of cool. Definitely not something you want to pull with N'Zoth, though.