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This gives me +50% of the time only 1-cost cards. I guess it hates me really hard.
Really versatile card it can be either used for huge heal when needed (unless you get screwed by rng really hard) or get you a situational spell you need atm, combined with recombombulator the weak body is not a disadvantage.
I'm actually finding that I rarely have to choose between 3 secrets.
Sometimes I see Anyfin Can Happen in there and I'm like "Oh fuck it, I'll just go for the heal value" =)
At least go back and remove your dislike!
I've been running a Control Paladin list that features both Elise Starseeker and (our lord and savior) Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. As soon as I unlocked Ivory Knight, I immediately put both into the list because it is literally perfect for this playstyle. Reasons why:
Fantastic card. Nothing too crazy or flashy like Medivh, the Guardian but it really helps make control pally more viable.
A very interesting card.
I just don't have all the necessary to build a proper Control Paladin, where this would shine the most.
In the aggro/zoo paladin I usually play, this card comes too late, I'm afraid...
That moment when you draw Lay on Hands from this. Awesome.
PS. I have no idea how to link cards. Nevermind.
Lay on Hands
here you go
Time to review another new card... because I want to get most of the new set out of way as I play with the cards.
Time for Ivory Knight
The Breakdown
This is a 6 mana 4/4 minion. So... 3.4 mana of stats? Well that is the only bad news. Now for the good news! This card lets you discover a spell! With how discover works, (only letting you get cards from your class and neutral cards, but their are no neutral spells) you will be presented with 3 random paladin spells to choose from, the chosen spell is added to your hand. And what is more? You gain life based on that spells cost! (honestly my first thought when I saw this was oh look! A paladin Antique Healbot)
I love using the Equality + Consecration combo, and I found that this card has a pretty high chance of grabbing my missing piece for this combo.
Some people are trying to say this card is bad because you can get the WORST paladin spell, Eye for an Eye,off it. My answer... no... sure you can... but you will always have 3 CHOICES! If you see and Eye for an Eye, Hand of Protection, and Divine Strength, you will NOT pick the Eye for an Eye, the divine shield or the buff will be better. But that is the WORSE case possible off this discover. You MIGHT get the choice of Equality, Consecration, Blessing of Kings, Stand Against Darkness, Hammer of Wrath, or EVEN Avenging Wrath or EVEN Lay on Hands. You have to admit, this card is INSANE! Letting you use an extra spell... and HEALING you?
Sure the effect is still RNG, but I have not yet been faced with 3 bad choices.
Ivory Knight is a good replacement for paladins for the previous rotated Antique Healbot.
I hope you enjoyed reading this! If you see something I missed or want me to review a certain card just let me know :)
A list of all my previous reviews is here on this DA journal.
Just compare it with Ethereal Conjurer, a card which is played in some Tempo Mage and Reno Mage decks.
Pro's: better body, healing effect.
Con's: costs 1 mana more. On average, worst spell than mage.
I think this card is good enough to be played. But paladin it's not in his best moment.
I've made a Reno deck, pretty fun to play.
Yay when you get Eye for an Eye
But with how discover works, you have three choices, so you will never pick eye for an eye (unless your opponent is at 1 HP)
worst case is you get Eye for an Eye that card is still in classic and forever in paladin class!
You discover a spell, the chances of getting three 1 mana spells, let alone the chances that the BEST choice is eye for an eye (is that even possible) is extremely small.
Let me start off by saying, I think we've all figured out that Discover is a great mechanic, especially for minion battlecries.
OK, the details : so your first choice you have roughly a 50% chance of getting a 2 mana. The next two cards you have less of a chance of getting a 2 mana or less spell since they get subtracted from the pool. Of those spell choices, most of them are actually decent to good choices considering they're cheap and don't take up a card slot in you're deck and can heal you a little, not bad.
Sure, sometimes you'll be playing it only for the heal but EtC, LoH, Conc, equality are going to feel like great grabs since this is going to be played in more control oriented decks. Also to note, about 1/4 of paladin spells get you more draw (counting ALitD.) If Control or Controlish paladin can find a niche in the shifting Meta then this would probably be a good addition. While extending your deck and the possibility of more draw at the same time, + healing and a board presence, it has pretty much everything you would want in a control card besides removal and taunt.
It's already viable, but this is a great addition to it for sure. Chance of getting a third equality alone is very insane for healadin.