Sacred Trial
Card Text
Secret: After your opponent has at least 3 minions and plays another, destroy it.
Flavor Text
You have chosen poorly.
Secret: After your opponent has at least 3 minions and plays another, destroy it.
You have chosen poorly.
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Golden artwork on this is top-notch... I'm actually considering crafting it.
be warned, this card will kill you if you summon Jaraxxus with three minions on the board. I found that out the funny way.
<3 when this kills dr. boom =D
give this card a chance to play today.. the result is not as bad as people think... got some dr boom and some huge card (eg. alexstrasza)
well the down side is this card is easy to read if your opponent play smart some times you just get small fish
You chose ... poorly ... to put this in your deck.
the most underated cardd in the set for my opinion. i played it in any palladin deck and it almost allways trigered or got kezaned. plus playing a secret at turn 1 as palladin will likley cause your opponet a heart attack.
I just played a game where the opponent had 1 secret and zero minions on the board. So I played around repentance, and used my abusive sergeant before hitting Dr. Boom.... ooooh it still hurts.
Anti Dr. Boom, as shown here:
Ok, since anyone's talking about the Flavor, I'll do it: IT'S A REFFERENCE PEPPOLE!
This card taught me that Battlecries tehnically go off *before* your minion enters the battlefield
Its hardly buff to Mysterious Challenger since you cant have 6 secrets active. Its only effective vs boom +1 minion but repentance does the same, with added benefit of destroying doomsayer etc. If as secret pally you loose board control e.g. your opponent has 3+ minions you have probably lost already.
This card will single-handedly make Secret Paladin viable.
This WILL kill Dr. Boom if they had 1 minion in play before. The battlecry goes off first, so Dr. Boom counts as the 4th minion played.
YES! Efficient counterplay to Doctor Balanced! A reason you might NOT want to put him in like every deck! A lot of us have been waiting a long time for this, no?
OR you could trade the other minion and play Dr. Boom.
This is hardly an incentive to not play one of the best card in the game. Pally is only one class and as with all secrets you can play around it. (drop other cheap minions to pop it, trade ur other minions in first, etc)
Yeah but that would require you to play around this secret, which most aren't doing at the moment. Right now this is a prime tech card. Every single time I've run into it, it wrecked me, with the exception of when I played a healbot and it got killed, since I got the healing and didn't actually want the 7th body on the board.
This was obviously built as a counter to patron warrior.
secret pally won't play this, Mysterious Challenger caps at 5 secrets and the current secret list is ideal. pally is mega strong so giving them another shitty spell is much better than giving them even more to work with. Same goes for Anyfin Can Happen.