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Reno the Dragon Master

  • Last updated Apr 29, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 16760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/27/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Looking for something different and fun to play in wild, then try this deck. The idea of this deck is not to mainly climb ladder, but rather have fun with playing something different 

Mulligan Guide 

Zombie ChowMaelstrom PortalLightning BoltNetherspite HistorianStonehill Defender

If there is one thing you want to do is to slow down your opponent. So you need to start gaining some early game advantage. Zombie Chow is one of the best early game minions for control decks due to having 2 mana worth of stats to trade into at least two minions. The deathrattle doesn't matter since you not rushing to kill your opponent anyway.

Maelstrom Portal and lighting bolt is also there to help deal with early game minions if you can't do it with Zombie Chow alone. 

Netherspite Historian and Stonehill defender are there to help with your win condition. To out value your opponent; which will lead us too.... 

Strategy Guide 


Not going to lie, this is a difficult deck to play. Since there is no clear win condition besides to out value your opponent, you have to play smart and know when to use your removal to remove your opponents minions or when to play your most powerful minions. 

But the name of the game is to grind your opponent to a halt (like good old Control Warrior). You have cards like Netherspite HistorianElise Starseeker and Nefarian to help grind your opponent out of their resources to help you sail to victory. 

Before the game starts you already have the advantage and that's the element of surprise. Since you are playing a very unconventional deck, you can leave your opponents guessing as to what you are playing and what do have in your deck. This can lead to some good mind games as you can cause your opponent to play wrong or over-commit.  

Tips and Tricks 

  • Try to save Ysera and/or Nefarian until you can get the battlecry of your dragon synergy cards off. That is unless you know it is safe to play them since your opponent just used a card like Hex or Entomb
  • Try to save your hardest removal cards like Devolve and Hex on minions that are worth using on, like Tirion Fordring [/card] and [card]Sylvanas Windrunner. 
  • Keep your opponent guessing. Remember you have the element of surprise. 
  • Depending on your opponents deck, try to play Brann Bronzebeard offensively or defensively. Offensively means playing him with cards such as Blackwing Corruptor and Fire Elemental. Defensively means playing him with cards such as Netherspite Historian and Stonehill Defender

Decks to watch out for 

  • Renolock- Unless you have devolve ready when they play Krul the Unshackled or Bloodreaver Gul'dan, you are in for a world of hurt. 
  • Reno Mage- This is more focus on Frost Lich Jaina since it is very difficult to play around her as well as try to kill her since she can out-value you with Water Elementals. 
  • Jade Druid- An uncommon but real deck in Wild. If those Jades start rolling then you start dying.
  • Mill Rogue- What I call the "Scourge of Wild", Mill Rogue completely counters you unless you be really aggressive and apply the pressure since you won't be winning by out valuing your opponent and take out those Coldlight Oracles. 

And that is it. If you have any questions or looking for alternative cards to put into the deck if you don't have some of these, leave a comment down below. 


So I've decided to update the deck with the release of the Witchwood and changed some cards. Hagatha is in the deck now for adding another aoe and a better hero power. Scaleworm is in the deck for board control. Thaurrisan is now in the deck because of how big your hand can get so you will get better use of his ability. This leaves Nefarian out of the deck due to how big your hand can get, making it awkward to play. 

Also, if you are playing against giants. You might as well concede there is no good way at the time to remove the board of 8/8s.