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we need this against the bigger cancer of boar priest
Cancer card.
Fuck, I think I also hate this card now. Even Shaman should not have this card. Nerf this, change it to 1 mana, whatever.
Shaman uses devolve against Al'Akir the Windlord and he becomes a Stormwatcher, happened to me more than once.
I thought this game was supposed to be fun? There is nothing fun about being on the receiving end of this card, and yet it's not even Epic in rarity! At least mass dispel, while annoying, has a (non-luck-based) failure condition: inherently bulky minions. Nerf please!
Used Devolve against a Hexed (0/1) minion that got buffed by a Bonemare, turning into a 4/5 and, since you can't go below 0, the Hexed minion maintained its frog form and the buff... Dunno if bug or intended, but I think it should turn into another 0-cost minion, or at least lose the buffs, since all other mana cost minions lose their buffs...
second time i got this devolve bug... all other minions leave the buff, but the snowfliper not.
Were the Penguins already on board? In that case it's perfectly normal, you can't devolve a 0-Cost minion so it doesn't transform
This card can't rotate out soon enough
kind of like a better version of mass dispel that not only silences everything away but also debuffs the enemy board by generally decreasing stats. very strong card, should be 3 or 4 mana!
lazy card that solves big boards without requiring a single synapse of your neurons firing.
Seriously fuck everything about this card. 2 mana: "If you draw this against paladin, GG".
One of the dumbest cards they've ever printed.
I hate this fucking card more than any other card ever in the history of Hearthstone, and shamans that use it know that it's cheap and it's bullshit but hell if I was playing Shaman I admit I would use it to. It's an easy way to gain control of the board and fuck over your opponent easily. Myself playing buff Paladin most of the time it pisses me off to no end to work so hard to buffing my minions then finally playing them and poof they're gone as fast as I played them. I agree with a post about that next year can't come fast enough because I honestly cannot wait for this card to go bye bye.
Fuck this fucking bullshit card. Why the fuck did they make this unfun piece of shit? Next year can't come fast enough.
I love this card )
your opponents love it too ) especially murloc paladins like me lol
Makes your minons thrash and removes taunt and buffs. Way better than owl as an silence and handed to our most beloved class Shaman
This card should cost more than 2 mana. Way too powerful of an effect for that cost. There's no overload on it either, makes absolutely zero sense.
I run two copies of this baby in all of my shaman decks. Otherwise constructed play is a torture. Buffed murlocs on turn 4? no. They are mostly random 3 mana crap.
All in as rogue on turn 4 with a 6/2, a 3/3, and an 8/8. He can either hex or lightning storm, but he can't do both. "This is a smart all-in play, I'm doing this right," I tell myself. 2 mana devolve turns my board into a 2/1, a 1/1, and a 2/2. Nice card blizzard