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Great card against the current Control Mage meta, this and Kalimos have saved me too many games
Best healing card in the game
Isn't this more or less a better version of Darkshire Alchemist ,sure stats are differently but all in all it is a 5 mana with 9 stat points and on top of that it heals for 6
"May your feet never brine."
Remove the thing in his hand, and it looks like he's saying "What the hell is this crap?"
The artwork is so nice! Good card too!
Finally a good reliable heal for shaman :) As soon as i get this card i will create "control shaman deck" :D i am too bored now with this aggro and midrange shaman decks :D
LUL gg shaman rip shaman 2016-2016
I suggested this card on the official forums some time ago although it shows up as a 404 error now
http://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/search?q=jinyu waterspeaker&forum=
Check this thread out, post #9
I don't want any royalties, just send me some love in the card text.
Yes, Blizzard should thank you for coming up with this card that's exactly the same class, cost, and stats. And they should really thank you for coming up with the name Jinyu Waterspeaker.
this is pretty much Healbot it's 5 mana (counting overload) heals for 6 and has 3 more HP than antique healbot, BUT it's actually better than the healbot because it can heal ANYTHING for 6 and the turn it's played it's actually 4 mana so technically you're getting 2 less HP for a more viable minion and almost heals for the exact same amount... Ahh... only if you were a warlock card....
Love the artwork of this card very much.
Is it just me, or does this guy look like hozen healer?
Hozen Healer The Young Brother
3/6 is just about the best vanilla body that 4 mana can buy, and adding a Holy Light in exchange for Overload: (1) seems pretty strong. Looks like Shaman is here to stay... for better or for worse.
Why do they give shaman this card? Last time i check Shaman have healing wave that can heal for a lot. They should have give this card to Rogue who have no heal at all.
Let's make Rock in Rock Paper Scissors always win while we are at it. It's called intentional weaknesses.
Man, A rogue doesn't heal at all (Ok, he/she can,but it's not a peculiarity of the class)
Do you know a class that also don't heal? Hunter. However, hunter got good cards in all expansions, unlike rogue, that was put aside for 3 expansions or more.
know what rogue needs? Some shitty stealth minions and RNG Kappa.
didn't shaman have a weakness before whispers/karazhan?
Not bad, a VERY good card for an Overload Deck, but as shaman has low healing, this card its gonna be SO effective.
Calification: Very Good (8.5/10)
And now for arena, seems good, a solid body, a good effect with a small drawback, but not big enough, it can save you from a LOT of situations:
Arena Clasification: A Top Pick (9/10)