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Battlecry: Discover random Drakonid Operative. Fuck this card just because of Dr. OP
As of the Year of the Mammoth rotation, this card can Discover the following minions.
Umm when are they gonna fix the Battlecry on this card?
It says "If you are holding a dragon, discover a dragon" but it's actually "If you are holding a dragon, discover Ysera".
This card is so busted... I love it. I feel like this card should be on Oprah. You get a Ysera! You get a Ysera! Everyone gets Ysera!
This comment suffers from a severe lack of upvotes.
Calling it: Blizzard will eventually release a crappy cheap filler dragon just to mess up this discover effect.
Like Nozdormu>
2018 here, they made Temporus
But if a lot of dragons rotate they will be fewer good options to put in as activators so it will probably see less play, but yes when activated it will be good.
This card is so good that now I can play dragon warrior even without some main cards like Blackwing Corruptor, Twilight Guardian and a legendary dragon. ( I play in wild mode )
Try to discover Malygos for Malygos Rogue without Malygos. Faerie Dragon Netherspite Historian Azure Drake
After playing several games with her and Brann I knew I had to craft a golden version.
This card is just amazing. What a surprise there's really no bad Dragon cards and the amount of versatility on their effects can close games fast. Even better is late game dropping one with Brann in play.
Not dissapointed in this card, crafted 2 golden ones already, great card, chance to get a legendary or something useful at the right moment from it is insane. Pulled Ysera that won me the game alone against renolock, pulled Book Wyrm that helped me with tempo against shamans and already had a chance to have 3 Alextraszas in hand with my dragon handlock in 1 game.
So I gave this a try and I must say I'm pretty impressed with the versatility of this card. It can give you a life saver Twilight Guardian or Chillmaw against aggro, or it can give you a second Chromaggus or Ysera against control.
Once upon a time....
Reynad got salty
Plot twist,
he enjoyed the game at least once
1/4 and dragon paly/priest would be playabel (again) :(
I'm definitely gonna be crafting this in golden and trying it in my dragon handlock.
I'll for sure experiment with this in my Wild Malylock. Its flexibility is really good.
Now I can play Nozdormu without owning him.