About Me
Secret Achievements statistics (20.3.2019):
- recurring achievements: useful pages and hints
- don't use browser back button to see whether you got an achievement. don't open multiple tabs at once.
- visit card pages works for many hidden bronze achievements
- check first who got the achievement last. if that one built a deck (name and decks are listed in the same line), probably it contains the needed card
- - e.g.
- bronze:
- IK ones: IGNORE
- "Judgement of the cards": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- "Success": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- relevant open: NONE
- silver:
- "Conversationalist": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- "Great Defender": IGNORE don't make lifes hard for moderators
- IK ones: IGNORE
- "Influential Deck Designer": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Keeping Up": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- "Rare Deck": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Tools of the Trade": ... create a deck for each class, don't delete them. is my guess
- relevant open: only one
- golden:
- "Does Anyone Read These": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- "Epic Deck": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Golden Legendary Deck": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Great Comment": IGNORE comes or comes not
- IK ones: IGNORE - patience needed
- "King of the Decks": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Legendary Deck": IGNORE needs a fun deck or simply good deck
- "Meta Influencer": IGNORE - comes with time
- "Moderator's Best Friend": IGNORE don't make lifes hard for moderators
- "Now That's Community Value": IGNORE - comes with time
- "Popular": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- "Premium": IGNORE - costs money
- "That's Incredible": IGNORE - comes with time
- "That's just crazy": IGNORE - known to be tough to get. hard labor
- "That's Loyalty": IGNORE - who cares
- "The Dedicated Few": IGNORE broken since 2018-02
- relevant open: NONE
Favorite Class Warlock Region EU