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At this rate, Hungry Ettin might as well be a 0/0 card.
An underground corner, I'm sure.
Seems like a really good card against controll decks (not to mention the Missile Launcher wombo combo). Against an aggro deck it's not really great though, and I imagine this meta will be pretty aggro imo. We'll see
Missile Launcher, I've come to bargain.
Exactly. This is the kind of board clear that could really help Hunter run a slower game.
amazing meme
Dreadscale and Acidmaw cry together in a corner
Welcome to the double spellbreaker-meta!
Pretty good stuff here! I feel like I will like being hunter this expansion
I'm honestly worried that this plus Missile Launcher is going to break the game...
If pyro equality, a 4 mana combo doesn't break the game, an 8 mana combo only playable in hunter certainly won't. In fact, it won't even see play.
I can see how it being an expensive initial investment is a drawback but it staying on the board turn after turn can't be ignored. I can see a hunter with this on the board simply play secrets and ending their turn until they win.
i knew it was somewhere in this set.
Well at least Hunters right now can have somewhat reliable board clear with Venomizer + Missile Launcher, control is a bit more viable in hunter now.
Sweet sweet card, I love it, very flexible
Venomizer + Missile Launcher = Twisting Nether (except divine shield minions) with a 6/6 Mech body. Great
Possibly multi-turn Twisting Nether
Seems pretty strong. Can easily be magnetized with Goblin Bomb .
Ah yes the gamebreaking combo, where you Poison the opponent's face
Hi there Missile Launcher