These are the bonuses that it can roll.
These are the tokens the bonuses use.
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I love using this card in Control Warrior. All the results are pretty good, but Tower Shield +10 is ridiculous. Get one of those puppies goin with Dead Man's Hand and you're practically untouchable! The possibility to turn all that armor into removal via Shield Slam, Bladed Gauntlet, and Reckless Flurry is just icing on the cake.
I've gotten fifteen of these in packs. Warrior is my least played class.
Twenty-eight now. I still don't play warrior.
Seems pretty good. Might replace this over my Arcanite Reaper.
dat animation
That golden animation. Just...the worst. It looks like it was made by the same guy who blessed us with this:
deal 5 damage. gain 5 armor. summon 5/5 ghoulem. why don't they have one that draws you 5 cards? trash, confirmed.
In one word: boring.
Au contraire. A big part of the warrior class identity is effectively gaining health (armor cards) and using health (weapons). This card offers an interesting way to gain a health bonus while providing some other effect. It's by no means an auto-include, and that means you have to think carefully about how much your deck wants armor when deciding whether you want to include this card.
Although Tower Shield +10 is likely the worst outcome, it is simultaneously the most interesting. The person running the card needs to be able to leverage their health much more than usual should they draw the +15 armor card, and the person playing against it needs to consider whether they should play around a huge injection of armor. (Because an Unidentified Shield only has a 25% chance of being Tower Shield +10, not playing around is punished less often... but in some cases you won't want to take the risk.)
Can't wait to play control warrior!
give me some viable controll warrior list for wild, didnt figure one out yet
Lost my shit at Tower Shield +10, being hardcore Lineage2 player in the past :D
Has synergy with Reckless Flurry 3/4 times, one of which is a 15 damage AOE. I see potential.
3/4 are pretty good, while the gain 10 extra armor is pretty bad. Maybe that makes it worth running?
Generally just gaining armor isn't very valuable, however Tower Shield +10 is actually pretty good only because it gives such a huge amount. You're playing against a face deck and suddenly you gain 15 armor, and you can run two of these. Also good against most combo decks.
15 armour is 50% of your maximum life. For the cost of 6 mana and 1 card.
But unless you're able to follow up with a board clear, you just delayed losing by a turn. You pay 6 mana, and do nothing to your opponent. The other effects allow you to kill a minion or generate a board that can help you fight against their minions.
How does it feel to be so stupidly wrong half a year later, calling one of the most memorably broken effects of the expansion bad?
Perhaps a control meta might form simply because control warrior is getting awesome cards this expansion. Now we just have to counter mage and we'll have a great time.