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This is a cool card don't get me wrong, but for the most part Journey below wasn't played in that many DR Rogue decks and I don't think will be played in shaman Battle Cry decks for the same reason.
Your paying 1 mana do maybe find a good card but maybe all the options you get are trash and you still have to pay full price for the card you do find.
Plus, i don't recall seeing I Know a Guy in any Quest Warrior decks.
Put it this way; Shaman's battlecry minions are way better than Rogue's deathrattle minions in general. Also this card synergizes well with Bogshaper. I'm not sure if it's gonna see play in constucted just yet; but I do like it and I'll be happy when Hagatha the Witch gives me another minion.
Opponent got shuderwock after I milled his shudderwock ..... Noooooo
Looks like they were saving all the reasons to use Hagatha for the end
is it me or does BLAZING INVOCATION sound like a 10 mana board wipe, not a 1 mana discovery?
blizzard has forgetten; Overload: (2).
Pure battlecry deck will emerge for sure :) But it will be okay with elemental shaman too.
If you discover Shudderwock with this card lol
I made a Battlecry shaman deck once, it seems it indeed was meant to be, and to be updated for sure.
I hear a guy
Me too Wtf