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You Merely Adopted the Dark
23% Meta defining LUL
42,6% Very Good MEGA LUL
Heroic Strike + Fool's Bane + Violet Illusionist = 10 mana 28 damage to enemy minions.
It's a bit much to do a three card combo just for a board clear, but it can be pretty good if you don't want to take any chances with brawl.
On turn 8, enemy played Ragnaros the Firelord, and was like "well played lol".
So I put down my Violet Illusionist, and revealed the weapon.
My moment has come.
Things to do Today:
Those dont do much, since you can use up all of this card the turn you put it out :P
Stupid facts and logic messing up my awesome plan.
Thats one too many attacks you hooligan, unless you're at 10 mana and equipped two of them
I think this will get the award for the most overrated card in Karazhan.
I think it could be good as a one-of similar to how Gorehowl is a conditional one-of when you want attrition. This should replace Gorehowl when Control Warrior wants to do better against Midrange / Tempo decks, which it struggles against. Helps counter cards such as Mirror Image and Feral Spirit, so you can get to that Mana Wyrm or Tunnel Trogg. Closest card I can compare it to is Doomhammer, since that can hit twice a turn, but also hits face. Usually, control warrior doesn't care about that last part. So I guess the biggest question of the card is the mana cost; could be insanely overpowered, too slow, or somewhere in between-- will only be able to tell when we try it out.
There is a big difference in both cards. Gorehowl allows you to kill most minions with 1 hit. While this card needs to hit multiple times to destroy a minion. This, the cost and to be unable to hit face (even gorehowl sometimes is a win condition) makes this card in my eyes very overrated.
I agree Gorehowl out values Fool's Bane, and that's reflected in the mana cost. Fool's Bane does not need to hit multiple times to destroy one minion; however, it can if you choose that's the best given play. Fool's Bane was designed to fulfill a similar role as Gorehowl-- just like Whirlwind and Revenge have similar roles. Warrior has an inefficient turn 5 as that mana slot is currently only occupied by Brawl, so often times at 5 mana you either have to have a combo removal or you are doing Hero Power / play a 3 drop or equip Fiery War Axe. Fool's Bane helps smooth out our 5 mana turn against tempo decks, which is currently the meta. I don't see this card being OP just like Gorehowl is not OP-- it's just good as a one-of on a conditional basis. Control warrior vs control warrior: whoever has Gorehowl and Elise Starseeker wins. Now, with Fool's Bane; Control warrior vs Shaman/Mage: Fool's Bane should be able to make these unfavorable match-ups closer to 50:50.
As a player who plays lot of control warrior, I say this card is interesting. This card is between Death's Bite and Brawl. This card should complement Brawl, not replace it. Also it has a different role than Gorehowl.
Main reason to play this card with Brawl is that you often want to clear the board without using Brawl like totems, wolves of shaman and minions of zoolock. also when using Brawl you left with a minion to deal with in turn 6 and this will make you lose tempo. I think Fool's Bane is a tempo changer in these matchups. You can use to clear minions and even sometimes you can left with a charge and make a tempo play in turn 6. This can be better in terms of Death's Bite and Brawl in some scenarios in turn 5. The reason for that is to Death's Bite clear a minion and then take boards damage and then clear the board maybe. And Brawl left you with a minion. But Fool's Bane can be better as a tempo aspect.
In conclusion, these are my analysis of the card and the time will show its value.
In constructed? Maybe. This card in Arena is bat shit insane.
Violet Illusionist + Upgrade! + x2 Heroic Strikes = SMorc on board (ME GO BOARD !)
Nice one! :D
I can't believe they translated this into écrase-patates (potato crusher) in the French version.
Uhm, this card is straight up OP? I smell the return of harrison jones. The same turn you can attack more than once without losing durability?
Well yeah but warriors tend to do such things, and if you don't have anything they can kill, they won't attack your face 4 times, right? Unless they have like double +4 face attack, that's a one turn instakill.
"Can't attack heroes"