Todays update will be focusing on the Hunter class cards, revealing the four remaining unannounced cards!
Common- Epic-
Moonlight Panther- I made this card before Ursatron, so it may be very similar but bear with me (no pun intended). It draws you a beast from your deck which gives you a good tempo advantage in your Midrange decks, and also comes with stealth like other Panthers, giving it a good chance to survive until the next turn.
Gorzilla- Like other Giant cards, Gorzilla specifically interacts with your beast death count, and really benefits from you playing board control, which works really well with cards like Unleash the Hounds or Wolf Pack from this set.
On My Mark...- An interesting secret, that can be played as a spell if your opponent already has three minions on the board, its basically a deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. However it can also be played to pressure your opponent into either playing around it or taking the extra damage, That is if they can predict what secret it is.
Galahad, The Beast Knight- Value generation machine, a decently stated minion at 6 mana, but also really good for generating spells to pin your opponent down. Great synergy with Zul'jin, and really useful in alot of situations.
Thats it this week, I have been late for this update and I'm incredibly sorry about that, Next update will come out faster!
Some brand new tweaks, cards that have been recommended to change and some that I found are a little strong. IF you don't agree, please let your voice be heard!
Change: 3 attack>2 attack (From Wolf Pack Spell) Why: I feel like Wolf Pack would've been way to strong if the Ravaging Wolves had 3 attack ontop of Beast synergy. I wanted it to be like a burst of damage instead of like a Forests Aid on midrange turns for Hunter.
Change: Isaiah The Shinging 7 armor>5 Armor Full Protection 4 armor>3 Armor To Arms Men: One Frontline Knight instead of two. True Power: +2/+2>+2/+1 Frontline Knight: 1/1<1/2 with Taunt Why: Instead of going in depth into everything, I feel like this hero was severely unbalanced and needed some changes, especially regarding his hero power.
Change: Text change. Why: Summoning 3 minions for 7 mana that aren't at random was incredibly strong, so instead I decided to go with a Zarogs Crown card that gives you two minions and the advantage of choice.
Change: Mana cost 6<5, Added text: It cost (1). Why: I feel like there wouldn't really be a reason to play a 6 mana weapon if all it did was just reshuffle minions, on top of taking damage. I reduced the cost so it isn't so turn consuming to play and buffed the effect to actually make it worth hitting your own cards.
Change: Text change. Health 4<5 Why: I feel like Degore's original text was very underwhelming where he just gave Poisonous minions immune, and would be very frustrating to play against. I made it a super buff minion that works with good boards instead because I feel like it wouldn't be as annoying.
Change: Mana cost 3>5 Why: It has come to my attention that a turn 5, colossal minion is incredibly strong. I increased the mana to 5 because the midrange to late game area of play makes sense in my opinion for a Deathrattle like that.
From now on, (since every class is at the same amount of cards, I'll be focusing on certain classes completion during updates. Going in chronological order, Druid class is complete!
Discussion- Glorious Wand- Supporting the Healing archetype of druid, weapon provides that 2 extra attack which can help with druid's hero buff style of cards. Absolute Mayhem- A great board clear that really benefits a beast based deck, and can really help to get out of tricky situations. Armored Brawner- Sticky minion and a good body, a real target to the opposing player. Fits easily in both beast and heal druid, and maybe even aggro since its sustaining health. Army Experimenter- Although a REALLY low stat line for 5 mana, the card summons an amazing creation, which has all the abilities of the minions currently on board. Even if it's just a 3/3, it can be very impactful. However, if any of the minions die with the ability, the Horrifying Creation loses it too, which makes it a real situational option. Fel'Sord The Sky Prince: A very simple hero, with the infinite Lifesteal. Making it a hero card means that it only gets lifesteal when it attacks in most cases. It's hero power is similar to Gul'dan, except it forces the hero to attack it's target, potentially meaning there's less healing than normal. However, for a lower costed hero card it's still pretty good and can see play.
NEXT UPDATE will be a patch, so their will be multiple buffs/nerfs to cards. Thats all for this week! I'll be back next Saturday to release tweaks!
Enterance: Give em the One-Two Mac!
Destroyed: Good Hustle Mac!
Flavor: He's supposed to be a boxer famous for being incredibly small, but he's just the Underdog.
For my Version 2.0 update, I'll be showcasing a very special card of the set! From Legend and Fantasy I present,
King Arthur!
King Arthur, one of the greatest knights of all time, is joining hearthstone with a rare Start of Game effect!" The Prospects of Arthur are all different versions of future King Arthur, and depending on your class you will get a different one shuffled in your deck!
Arthur The Lifegiver comes in at a lower mana cost but provides a strong effect that supports the Healing Druid format I've gone for in previous cards. Even more, are too come, but Arthur really helps with his excessive healing amount.
Arthur the Sharpshot works really well in midrange/beast hunter. Hunter lacks AoE clear, and Arthur the Sharpshot really makes him a reckoning force with enough support.
Arthur The Arcane really pushes the tempo/value style mage, and can almost make you play spells with more ease knowing that most the times you'll be getting them back.
Arthur The Heroine is a great wall, and strong enough to completely change the pace late game. It's immediate effect and multitude of abilities create a real problem for your opponent.
Arthur the creator can reshift the board and really create issues to deal with, however, it relies on some good trigger effect legendary minions to die, so even though the battlecry is quite specific the demand is also there.
Another destroy the enemy hero card, Arthur the Unforgiving has a difficult battlecry. By knights, I mean the Knights of The Round Table (Legendary Minions) like Mordred, The Killer Knight, or Palomedes, The Punishing Knight. Even though its difficult, I do believe rogue has the cards to pull this off.
Arthur The Brewer supports the Poisonous archetype of Shaman in this set, He has the Gruul effect of upgrading every turn, but the poisonous really makes him a threat.
Really pushing the control warrior set, Arthur The Warlord Can really benefit the survivability of Warrior and can create a few more turns to win the game.
Depending on your situation, this can help with creating a strong minion and Arthur The Sacrificer can become a real threat on the board.
Thats all for today, I've been thinking about this for awhile and really wanted to include King Arthur in my set. I hope you guys like this design and a future update will be announced on a later date!
I never mentioned Giant Wasp because I thought I was making it clear, but I guess not. Giant Wasp has a chance at survival, yes, but only a chance. The Stealth is only a small piece of protection, and can be countered with AoE like Consecration. Furthermore, it can be played around. It's why Giant Wasp isn't seen in many decks; it's primary role is to be a deterrant/bait for potential threats your opponent has.
That leads to the issue with a 3-mana Poisloc: it can't be played around, at least not as easily as a Giant Wasp. Poisloc's job is not to provide board presence, but to be an answer. Rush and Poisonous provides that instant response to a big threat already on the board, something that cards like Giant Wasp cannot. It doesn't really matter if it's a minion or a spell in plenty of cases; it's a piece of removal, just like Polymorph. And the low 3-mana cost allows for plenty of mana for dropping high-value threats in late-game turns, like a Dr. Boom on Turn 10. I am well aware that such a move is not possible for Vilebrood Skitterer, and, again, it was the ENTIRE point I was trying to make.
That's all I wanted to say, and why I feel that Poisloc really deserves a nerf. Do think hard on that mana increase nerf.
You have made a good point, so I'll put Poisloc on my list for tweaking. I understand your reasoning, and appreciate the feedback!
Poisloc: I still have to argue that it is precisely BECAUSE it is low cost that it is good. That's what my whole argument was about. Not every class has access to secrets, and the few that do can easily be played around (Snipe, Explosive Runes, Autodefense Matrix, etc). While a few decks may not have the space for this card (maybe like Exodia Mage or something, I dunno), I feel like a neutral single-target removal at such a low mana cost is too good to be printed. Remember: Druid lost Naturalize due to the class supposedly not being able to be good at single target removal, according to Blizzard. At 3 mana, it is on par with cards like Shadow Word: Death, a class-specific single-target removal card. It's (arguably) better than Polymorph and Hex too, both class-specific single-target removal that cost 4 MANA. And since it's a NEUTRAL card (and therefore available for every class), plenty of decks will want to use it.
The card may still be salvageable at 4 mana, though I would keep a very close eye on it if it was ever printed in Hearthstone.
However; the thing about this card is that it isn't a spell it's a minion. Giant Wasp is very similar to this card, in regards that it is a 3 mana card with Poisonous and stealth. Stealth creates the fact that it can stay alive much easier than any other minion, without a doubt it would survive early game in most situations. In mid game, the survival rate is also pretty high, and late game even though it is lessened it still has a good chance of making it until next turn, in the right situation. Also keep in mind that it is a dead card if there's no minions worthy of a target, unlike giant wasp, poisloc is a 1/1 minion- same stat line as a silver hand recruit. It can't survive most of the times it attacks, and really only works if the target has enough value to get hit. The thing with cards like Vilebrood Skitterer is that it just cost too much and wasn't worth it. Otherwise, it would be included in a multitude of hunter decks. I think the cost of this card makes it actually usable, and the demand to outcome ratio is on a same level field. I will consider bumping the mana, but I still think it's at a good spot where it is now.
Poisloc: That is one potent source of removal, and probably why we've never seen a Rush Poisonous minion at such a low cost. Compare it to, say, Voodoo Doll or that Hunter-specific Vilebrood Skitterer. Both of these come with conditions (the first taking extra time/mana to activate its deathrattle and the other being a hunter-specific on top of having such a high mana cost). Even something like Toxmonger takes at least 5 mana to play and requires two cards to get a poisonous rush minion. Simply put, this card is way too good for Hearthstone, especially since it's a neutral, and requires a nerf.
Isaiah, The Shining: That is one powerful hero card, perhaps even on par with Bloodreaver Gul'dan, hailed as the most powerful hero card in Hearthstone. First, there is the 7 armor. Why 7 armor? Just make it 5. Second, the deathrattle is essentially an Ice Block and Time Out!, AND, once triggered, provides access to a very powerful secondary hero. We've all seen Malfurion the Pestilent's power with his amazing versatility to see just how powerful versatility is. His hero power provides what is essentially The Silver Hand, Tank Up!, and Dinomancy for all minions. Three very powerful hero powers, and we can choose any of these at our leisure. And finally, I'd like to point out a powerful combo this card can use. Specifically in Wild: Reno Jackson and/or Forbidden Healing. Just heal back up to full, and all's well and good. And YES, you CAN target Immune characters with healing abilities (I checked via the wiki). Tl;dr too powerful, may even be unsalvageable.
Poisloc: You do have a point that it is low cost, but keep in mind that the reason why previous poisonous/rush cards (or abilities) haven't seen play is that it just isn't worth it at that cost. The biggest problem with him is his 1/1 stats, firstly it can't take down any minion with divine shield, secondly theres a chance it can trigger secrets that will mostly clear it before it ever makes contact. It also takes minion space in deck, when we've seen there are some decks with a lack of minions for the sole reason to pull off combos and such. I feel like it's at an okay place at 3 mana, but maybe in the future I'll make it a four cost card.
Isaiah: I gave him 7 armor because of the fact you play 7 mana for no effect, but I can always change it to 5 not a big deal. The thing about his hero power is, I was actually considering making it a 3-cost hero power but I feel like that would've been still a bit much. I was mostly comparing him too Dr. Boom, and I felt like it was a good trade off that two 1/1 minions instead of three 1/1's with rush and gaining 4 armor instead of 7 for the ability to choose. His deathrattle is basically Ice block, and I didn't know about that Reno Jackson/Forbidden Healing type card. It would 100% be a problem if you can pull something like that, so I will change how it works, while trying to keep the aspect of the Undying.
It's that time again! Sorry I didn't update on Saturday, I was really busy, but I'm back now so here's the latest card reveal! :)
Rare- Epic-
Legendary- Token-
Wolf Pack- Similar to the *shudder* Spreading Plague card of druid, it creates a bunch of minions depending on your opponent's board status. However, I believe this is more balanced than Plague because it doesn't create a wall that stalls for time and is just a pain to deal with, it's more of an AoE clear giving more damage the bigger the threat. Fallen Angel- Not too much to say about this card other than it's justice and Rush synergy creates an opportunity to clear a minion from the board. It's also a demon, so the synergy is there. Poisloc- A quick removal, or synergy in Murloc decks. With the poisonous, it's good for taking out a minion and I feel like it's at a good cost point. Tortollan Spirit- Similar to Saronite Chain Gang, except the difference is this is a death rattle rather than a battlecry. I feel like this card would open up for more aggressive plays, knowing that you'll get a free copy of it after the original dies. Barrier Mage- A good, quick, protection strategy mostly against aggro style decks. Even though it doesn't give the minions permanent taunt, at the right time it could really affect your opponents game plan heavily. Protection Knight- A low-cost taunt minion, that summons previous card Barrier Mage, which basically makes this card a "summon a 1/4 and give another minion Taunt." good value card, and creates yourself a board that's good for holding time or just for Token. Tauren Druid- Fits into the healing druid archetype that I am going for in this set, however it does provide the option to make your other cards bulkier which could be a good choice during the situation. Sabotage- Sabotage can be used situationally to either deal damage to minions or get a copy of your Poisonous shaman minions, basically, it can help with board advantage or card advantage. You decide! Blastbot- A good defensive card, that not only is a larger costing taunt minion, it's deathrattle can also help clear up the mess that it couldn't with the multitude of 1/1 rush mechs. With the mech tag, it could fit into Mech Warrior or Mech Hunter type decks, but it's still an overall good defensive option. DYNAMITE Worgen- It's 5 damage outburst and deathrattle that's similar to Baron Geddon's ability can be a good board control play, clearing up minions that are a nuisance to the board quickly and efficiently. Mass Execute- A strong card that can really hit your opponent hard. The 4 mana cost is a good place for me because I feel like the normal Execute is about more than half the cost of a "destroy a minion" card. This card is half the cost of your average "destroy all minions card", because it can be really good or really bad. None the less, it still is effective in keeping the board in your favor. Isaiah, The Shining- The hero card for paladin, comes with a hefty amount of armor when played. His hero power gives you a choice from three every turn, either you summon two 1/1 minions, gain 4 armor or give a minion +2/+2 which, in my opinion, is really good for the versitality of the power. However, his deathrattle summons Isaiah The Undying, which unleashes his ULTIMATE form in battle, granting him immunity until his next turn and 5 additional armor. This deathrattle is crucial in helping with your gameplan, and can really be the factor of if you win or not.
Thats all for today folks! Since next update is 2.0, it's going to introduce a VERY special hero of history! Coming Tuesday, April 2nd!
so will the free legendary when you login for the first time after Rise of Shadows drops be this? or will it be this and you get another free legendary? ofc non pre order wise
Update 2.3 (Hunter Cards!)
Todays update will be focusing on the Hunter class cards, revealing the four remaining unannounced cards!
Moonlight Panther- I made this card before Ursatron, so it may be very similar but bear with me (no pun intended). It draws you a beast from your deck which gives you a good tempo advantage in your Midrange decks, and also comes with stealth like other Panthers, giving it a good chance to survive until the next turn.
Gorzilla- Like other Giant cards, Gorzilla specifically interacts with your beast death count, and really benefits from you playing board control, which works really well with cards like Unleash the Hounds or Wolf Pack from this set.
On My Mark...- An interesting secret, that can be played as a spell if your opponent already has three minions on the board, its basically a deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. However it can also be played to pressure your opponent into either playing around it or taking the extra damage, That is if they can predict what secret it is.
Galahad, The Beast Knight- Value generation machine, a decently stated minion at 6 mana, but also really good for generating spells to pin your opponent down. Great synergy with Zul'jin, and really useful in alot of situations.
Thats it this week, I have been late for this update and I'm incredibly sorry about that, Next update will come out faster!
Update 2.2 (Tweak Patch!)
Some brand new tweaks, cards that have been recommended to change and some that I found are a little strong. IF you don't agree, please let your voice be heard!
Change: 3 attack>2 attack (From Wolf Pack Spell)
Why: I feel like Wolf Pack would've been way to strong if the Ravaging Wolves had 3 attack ontop of Beast synergy. I wanted it to be like a burst of damage instead of like a Forests Aid on midrange turns for Hunter.
Change: Isaiah The Shinging 7 armor>5 Armor
Full Protection 4 armor>3 Armor
To Arms Men: One Frontline Knight instead of two.
True Power: +2/+2>+2/+1
Frontline Knight: 1/1<1/2 with Taunt
Why: Instead of going in depth into everything, I feel like this hero was severely unbalanced and needed some changes, especially regarding his hero power.
Change: Text change.
Why: Summoning 3 minions for 7 mana that aren't at random was incredibly strong, so instead I decided to go with a Zarogs Crown card that gives you two minions and the advantage of choice.
Change: Mana cost 6<5, Added text: It cost (1).
Why: I feel like there wouldn't really be a reason to play a 6 mana weapon if all it did was just reshuffle minions, on top of taking damage. I reduced the cost so it isn't so turn consuming to play and buffed the effect to actually make it worth hitting your own cards.
Change: Text change. Health 4<5
Why: I feel like Degore's original text was very underwhelming where he just gave Poisonous minions immune, and would be very frustrating to play against. I made it a super buff minion that works with good boards instead because I feel like it wouldn't be as annoying.
Change: Mana cost 3>5
Why: It has come to my attention that a turn 5, colossal minion is incredibly strong. I increased the mana to 5 because the midrange to late game area of play makes sense in my opinion for a Deathrattle like that.
Thats it for this tweak, card update tomorrow!
Catrina is literally one of the only cards you need for this deck to work.
OTK with ur weapon depending on how much attack is on it.
Next: A Shaman type card in Mage class (Can't be Overload because that's class exclusive)
Update Ver 2.1: (Druid Update!)
From now on, (since every class is at the same amount of cards, I'll be focusing on certain classes completion during updates.
Going in chronological order, Druid class is complete!
Glorious Wand- Supporting the Healing archetype of druid, weapon provides that 2 extra attack which can help with druid's hero buff style of cards.
Absolute Mayhem- A great board clear that really benefits a beast based deck, and can really help to get out of tricky situations.
Armored Brawner- Sticky minion and a good body, a real target to the opposing player. Fits easily in both beast and heal druid, and maybe even aggro since its sustaining health.
Army Experimenter- Although a REALLY low stat line for 5 mana, the card summons an amazing creation, which has all the abilities of the minions currently on board. Even if it's just a 3/3, it can be very impactful. However, if any of the minions die with the ability, the Horrifying Creation loses it too, which makes it a real situational option.
Fel'Sord The Sky Prince: A very simple hero, with the infinite Lifesteal. Making it a hero card means that it only gets lifesteal when it attacks in most cases. It's hero power is similar to Gul'dan, except it forces the hero to attack it's target, potentially meaning there's less healing than normal. However, for a lower costed hero card it's still pretty good and can see play.
NEXT UPDATE will be a patch, so their will be multiple buffs/nerfs to cards.
Thats all for this week! I'll be back next Saturday to release tweaks!
Enterance: Give em the One-Two Mac!
Destroyed: Good Hustle Mac!
Flavor: He's supposed to be a boxer famous for being incredibly small, but he's just the Underdog.
Update: Ver 2.0 The King Arises!
For my Version 2.0 update, I'll be showcasing a very special card of the set! From Legend and Fantasy I present,
King Arthur!
King Arthur, one of the greatest knights of all time, is joining hearthstone with a rare Start of Game effect!"
The Prospects of Arthur are all different versions of future King Arthur, and depending on your class you will get a different one shuffled in your deck!
Arthur The Lifegiver comes in at a lower mana cost but provides a strong effect that supports the Healing Druid format I've gone for in previous cards. Even more, are too come, but Arthur really helps with his excessive healing amount.
Arthur the Sharpshot works really well in midrange/beast hunter. Hunter lacks AoE clear, and Arthur the Sharpshot really makes him a reckoning force with enough support.
Arthur The Arcane really pushes the tempo/value style mage, and can almost make you play spells with more ease knowing that most the times you'll be getting them back.
Arthur The Heroine is a great wall, and strong enough to completely change the pace late game. It's immediate effect and multitude of abilities create a real problem for your opponent.
Arthur the creator can reshift the board and really create issues to deal with, however, it relies on some good trigger effect legendary minions to die, so even though the battlecry is quite specific the demand is also there.
Another destroy the enemy hero card, Arthur the Unforgiving has a difficult battlecry. By knights, I mean the Knights of The Round Table (Legendary Minions) like Mordred, The Killer Knight, or Palomedes, The Punishing Knight. Even though its difficult, I do believe rogue has the cards to pull this off.
Arthur The Brewer supports the Poisonous archetype of Shaman in this set, He has the Gruul effect of upgrading every turn, but the poisonous really makes him a threat.
Really pushing the control warrior set, Arthur The Warlord Can really benefit the survivability of Warrior and can create a few more turns to win the game.
Depending on your situation, this can help with creating a strong minion and Arthur The Sacrificer can become a real threat on the board.
Thats all for today, I've been thinking about this for awhile and really wanted to include King Arthur in my set. I hope you guys like this design and a future update will be announced on a later date!
You have made a good point, so I'll put Poisloc on my list for tweaking. I understand your reasoning, and appreciate the feedback!
However; the thing about this card is that it isn't a spell it's a minion. Giant Wasp is very similar to this card, in regards that it is a 3 mana card with Poisonous and stealth. Stealth creates the fact that it can stay alive much easier than any other minion, without a doubt it would survive early game in most situations. In mid game, the survival rate is also pretty high, and late game even though it is lessened it still has a good chance of making it until next turn, in the right situation. Also keep in mind that it is a dead card if there's no minions worthy of a target, unlike giant wasp, poisloc is a 1/1 minion- same stat line as a silver hand recruit. It can't survive most of the times it attacks, and really only works if the target has enough value to get hit. The thing with cards like Vilebrood Skitterer is that it just cost too much and wasn't worth it. Otherwise, it would be included in a multitude of hunter decks. I think the cost of this card makes it actually usable, and the demand to outcome ratio is on a same level field. I will consider bumping the mana, but I still think it's at a good spot where it is now.
Poisloc: You do have a point that it is low cost, but keep in mind that the reason why previous poisonous/rush cards (or abilities) haven't seen play is that it just isn't worth it at that cost. The biggest problem with him is his 1/1 stats, firstly it can't take down any minion with divine shield, secondly theres a chance it can trigger secrets that will mostly clear it before it ever makes contact. It also takes minion space in deck, when we've seen there are some decks with a lack of minions for the sole reason to pull off combos and such. I feel like it's at an okay place at 3 mana, but maybe in the future I'll make it a four cost card.
Isaiah: I gave him 7 armor because of the fact you play 7 mana for no effect, but I can always change it to 5 not a big deal. The thing about his hero power is, I was actually considering making it a 3-cost hero power but I feel like that would've been still a bit much. I was mostly comparing him too Dr. Boom, and I felt like it was a good trade off that two 1/1 minions instead of three 1/1's with rush and gaining 4 armor instead of 7 for the ability to choose. His deathrattle is basically Ice block, and I didn't know about that Reno Jackson/Forbidden Healing type card. It would 100% be a problem if you can pull something like that, so I will change how it works, while trying to keep the aspect of the Undying.
I Appreciate the feedback and support man! :)
Ppreciate it man
This good af with lab recruiter, scheme, academic espionage
will be a staple in thief rogue for sure
Update: Ver 1.9 (12 New Cards!)
It's that time again! Sorry I didn't update on Saturday, I was really busy, but I'm back now so here's the latest card reveal! :)
Wolf Pack- Similar to the *shudder* Spreading Plague card of druid, it creates a bunch of minions depending on your opponent's board status. However, I believe this is more balanced than Plague because it doesn't create a wall that stalls for time and is just a pain to deal with, it's more of an AoE clear giving more damage the bigger the threat.
Fallen Angel- Not too much to say about this card other than it's justice and Rush synergy creates an opportunity to clear a minion from the board. It's also a demon, so the synergy is there.
Poisloc- A quick removal, or synergy in Murloc decks. With the poisonous, it's good for taking out a minion and I feel like it's at a good cost point.
Tortollan Spirit- Similar to Saronite Chain Gang, except the difference is this is a death rattle rather than a battlecry. I feel like this card would open up for more aggressive plays, knowing that you'll get a free copy of it after the original dies.
Barrier Mage- A good, quick, protection strategy mostly against aggro style decks. Even though it doesn't give the minions permanent taunt, at the right time it could really affect your opponents game plan heavily.
Protection Knight- A low-cost taunt minion, that summons previous card Barrier Mage, which basically makes this card a "summon a 1/4 and give another minion Taunt." good value card, and creates yourself a board that's good for holding time or just for Token.
Tauren Druid- Fits into the healing druid archetype that I am going for in this set, however it does provide the option to make your other cards bulkier which could be a good choice during the situation.
Sabotage- Sabotage can be used situationally to either deal damage to minions or get a copy of your Poisonous shaman minions, basically, it can help with board advantage or card advantage. You decide!
Blastbot- A good defensive card, that not only is a larger costing taunt minion, it's deathrattle can also help clear up the mess that it couldn't with the multitude of 1/1 rush mechs. With the mech tag, it could fit into Mech Warrior or Mech Hunter type decks, but it's still an overall good defensive option.
DYNAMITE Worgen- It's 5 damage outburst and deathrattle that's similar to Baron Geddon's ability can be a good board control play, clearing up minions that are a nuisance to the board quickly and efficiently.
Mass Execute- A strong card that can really hit your opponent hard. The 4 mana cost is a good place for me because I feel like the normal Execute is about more than half the cost of a "destroy a minion" card. This card is half the cost of your average "destroy all minions card", because it can be really good or really bad. None the less, it still is effective in keeping the board in your favor.
Isaiah, The Shining- The hero card for paladin, comes with a hefty amount of armor when played. His hero power gives you a choice from three every turn, either you summon two 1/1 minions, gain 4 armor or give a minion +2/+2 which, in my opinion, is really good for the versitality of the power. However, his deathrattle summons Isaiah The Undying, which unleashes his ULTIMATE form in battle, granting him immunity until his next turn and 5 additional armor. This deathrattle is crucial in helping with your gameplan, and can really be the factor of if you win or not.
Thats all for today folks! Since next update is 2.0, it's going to introduce a VERY special hero of history! Coming Tuesday, April 2nd!
so will the free legendary when you login for the first time after Rise of Shadows drops be this? or will it be this and you get another free legendary? ofc non pre order wise
Meta-defining card because of Pinnochio reference and I got sad remembering the movie