@Iperyt Extremely late to the party, I know, but can't find the discord server and I'm stuck at 3/4. Is there a recent discord channel to try my luck there?
Commending posts about Always a Bigger Jormungar increases the likelyhood it gets nerfed to 2 mana faster. If anything, hunter is currently t0 only because of the Hollow Hound and that new card is an absurd buff to an already strong minion.
Talking about t0, when will we see Identity Theft nerf finally? Even if the priest's titan was the worst (imo it's actually the other way around), you can always take your opponent's – I can't see a reason why control priest would stop terrorizing ranked in new expansion.
If anything, Hound should be nerfed to 7 - cleave lifesteal and rush is an insane combo that needs a mana tax.
@Iperyt Extremely late to the party, I know, but can't find the discord server and I'm stuck at 3/4. Is there a recent discord channel to try my luck there?
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first
I'm missing Thorim's finishing moves from BG Season 4... Anyone else with that problem?
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first0
If anything, Hound should be nerfed to 7 - cleave lifesteal and rush is an insane combo that needs a mana tax.
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500Region: EUTrade only?: Yes, you go first. Can show quest3
And to be fair, this one has some frost synergy and some Undeath+frost combos with plagues. Good set for DKs if you ask me.
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first. Can show quest
A format that changes every month is a good thing, even if the particular format we have now is not good.
Also, don't dust your cards. It's a shitty decision.
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go firstDone.
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500Region: EUTrade only? : yes, you go firstDone with CEMEPO above :)
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first
Battletag: Bloodmoth#2500
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first