As people mentioned here already, it probably is your lacking skill that keeps you from hitting rank5. To get better it is a good idea to play with someone else, discuss before making a turn and try to learn all your matchups. To not tilt, it helps to chose a deck that has no "autowins" or "autoloses", because you won't learn from those games.
The comunity is really helpfull and i guess if you leave your battletag and your region here, there will be some nice people willing to help you out.
i am actually having a blast with those new decks, i was always sad, that i didn't play during the reno-era. I think the decks are a lot more skill-testing, you need a good mulligan and the matches are always something else. About not having a wincondition, idk what you are talking about. mage has lunas pocket galaxy and with that, alex, kalecgos, toni, mountain giant and lots of random spells and hunter has it's hero power, traps, weapons. If you face a lot of aggro, you can just adjust your deck to your local meta. (things like hungry crab, aoe secret or arcane explosion) The beauty of highlander decks is that they are so variable ;)
lol you guys, if you say highlander decks suck then you clearly are bad, i played from rank 5 to rank3 with a homebrew highlander mage and from 3 to 1 with highlander hunter, those decks are great, i don't know how anyone can say they are bad. Reno is not as flashy as the old version, but it provides a full clear most of the time, considering you had a minion left on the board, PLUS a 4/6 body, which is really good tempo wise. What you also can do is coins blizzard into reno.
i don't know. since the latest patch, all classes have been as one dimensional as they ever were. there are 2 very dominate forces that shut down a big chunk of the possible decks. There is no control deck, that performs as good as control warrior, which shuts down almost every aggro deck and outvalue every other control deck. And then there is conjourers mage, that punishes all decks that want to play greedy.
i usually hate those "nerf xy"-threads, but conjourers and dr boom/devestator need to be nerfed. I am not sure if the power lvl of the new exp will be enough. (i really hope it will)
And yet, Aggro Mech Hunter mops the floor with both Bomb and Control Warrior.
agree and disagree here...........maybe with bomb warrior but not so much control warrior, in my experiance
Sorry for resurrecting a thread, forgot to check my pop-ups. I'm playing above R5 every season and I have a winrate of 90%+ vs Control Warrior. Bomb is actually better vs Mech Hunter, because it's more midrange-ish and creates some board presence. Control Warrior vs Mech Hunter (with at least half of a brain) is almost auto loss. Maybe not 2016 Freeze Mage vs Control Warrior auto loss, but still.
90%? Er, NO. VS reports numbers between 52 and 58%, depending on the rank. HSR says CW is favored.
Sorry, but I gonna go with the stats from 1000's of games instead of the word of a random "Rank 5 Pro".
Also, you having a decent winrate vs a dominant deck doesn't make that deck less dominant. I always hate that logic "just play deck x if you want to win vs deck y" yeah great, if you don't like that deck, you are screwed, if you are on a budget, you are screwed.
Just because there is 1 deck that is actually winning vs warrior, makes warrior not that much less dominant. There are currently 2 decks that are mainly played and those 2 are shutting down so most other decks. (Cyclone mage and CW). Every greedy deck is killed by mage and every aggro and other control deck is killed by CW) Trust me, i have tried many other control decks, with some kind of win condition, but everyone of them failed.
I feel like playing vs control warrior instantly sucks all the fun out of you. Compare it to control shaman. That deck has REALLY strong removal tools as well, but they dont feel as stupid to play against. Warrior just has the answer for EVERYTHING.
There is so much flawed in the warrior class. Brawl rng is tilting to the max and boom and devestator are simply op. You can't even play arround any cards from cw. If it's an attrition battle you will have to bait out EVERY removal anyway. And if you play any kind of aggro, you just have to play and hope the cw doesn't have the answer. I hate that deck and it tilts me so hard -.- I even found my way to the salt thread :(
FUCKING OMEGA DEVESTATOR, what the fuck did someone think when printing this card?
It needs to be nerfed asap. That card would even be played for 6 mana when dr boom is not in the game. FUCKING stupid broken card. Control warrior is the lamest strategy i have ever faced and it drains every fun out of this fuckin game.
Guys, stop overreacting :D this needs 2 cards to be played and is bad as a topdeck. Typical win more card. This card is strong but not op. You also always know when your enemy is holding a lackey in his hand. If you want to generate the lackey the same turn as you play this, we are at 6 mana 9/9 on 3 cards, which doesn't sound too op for me.
According to the latest VS report (from last Thursday), the global play-rate of hunter is 24.7%, followed by Warrior 16.3%, and Mage at 15%. Between ranks 4 and Legend, Hunter is 27.3%, Warrior at 18.6%, and Mage at 13.8%. And at Legend, Hunter is 20.3%, Mage at 19.9%, and Warrior at 19.6%... The next frequent classes are Rogue and Shaman at about 10-14%. The rest is far below 10%.
Honestly, this is not a balance issue anymore. Ok, it might still be, but more than anything, I think it is a cultural issue. Maybe nerfing the top three classes would help, but to me, it really looks like no conceivable balance patch could even hope to fix what is broken: A community that only cares about winning, to a point that a large part of it will ONLY play whatever is arbitrarily rated "Tier 1".Whatever gets nerfed, I dare predict that in no time, 20%+ will move on and play the survivor instead.
Before the nerfs, Lackey Rogue had a playrate of well over 20%. And after dozens of thread of people talking about what "the real problem" is, the nerfs happened, and it was already predictable that Hunter would take Rogue's place. And here we are, with lots of players playing the next "Tier 1" like it's the only one in the game, bringing us to the exact same point again.
I know this sounds a bit offensive, but... I think this is exactly what this toxic, self-serving, hardcore-competitive community deserves for "lul rank 20" kindergarten level attitudes and insults on a daily basis; for making "braindead" an established term in Hearthstone lingo; for religiously rating decks and cards in "tiers"; for pretending that reaching Legend is all that matters, and for drowning criticism in hype while drowning optimism in negativity and hostility: A game where everyone plays the same few decks so that everyone can hate each other for playing the same few decks. Have fun!
But I also blame the developers for this. I said this a few times before: When the game structurally only rewards winning, when deckcosts statistically keep going up, when Blizzard sells and advertises Hearthstone primarily as an esports title, when they bring out 3 expansions per year to create more powerful and by sheer coincidence more polarizing decks, and when the only way they know how to handle balancing is nerfing older cards so that new ones will dominate the field entirely, they only foster an environment where this exact outcome should surprise nobody. Players are pushed hard to justify their resource-management, so most players will go all in on winning with "the best deck in the game".
This is really well written. I espescially think that you are right about that there needs to be other things than just winning and losing. It really frustrates me, that half of my collection is not even usable, because the meta just happen to shape up in a certain way. When the only thing the game wants you to do is winning, then no one has a reason to play the 49% wr card over the 51% wr card. There are so many cards that could work as a tech card vs specific matchups, but suck otherwise that no one even considers them.
As long as the game format stays as it is, we will never get rid of "class/deck xy is so cancer" posts, because there will always be the top deck (percantage-wise) in constructed.
This is so over the top. Why would you ever do anything that you find 'insanely boring' ? I'm sure you're exaggerating for dramatic efge t but still... There is nothing I would find insanely boring that I would ever do by choice. If I did then I'm just being a complete cretin. Things I might have to do that are 'insanely boring' can be things like putting up furniture, re-grouting the bathroom, being in stand still traffic for hours.
I understand if people find ladder a bit repetitive at the moment, the card pool is low due to rotation so the choice isn't as varied. You may even not particularly enjoy playing against decks that are effective at the moment.
But to refer to it as insanely boring, or even boring, why are you choosing to play then? You know what I find boring? Farming simulator. You know what I don't do? Play farming simulator. I also then don't go on a farming simulator fan site and complaining over and over that it's boring.
Will someone please explain why, when you find something so bad and boring that you continue to play and discuss it? No one has ever answered this, I genuinely want to know. Its such an easy game to put down and go back to 3, 4 or 5+ months later, there's no excuse, you're causing your own misery which is just stupid.
I don't think I've ever agreed with a post on this site more than this one. Most of the time Threads like this are just created for people seeking like minded replies.
"Guys, this Meta is Trash. Agreed?"
"Yeah man. MSoG was sooooo much better!"
"Thanks dude, thought it was just me..."
I don't know why some of the posters on here continually hate on all things Hearthstone. Yes it has problems, same as any other CCG, but damn....
And I'm definitely in the same boat as you Padge. I can't stand Minecraft, so I don't play it, don't frequent the Forums and don't partake in Threads about it. If someone really doesn't like something then they won't do it.
I do understand that and I obviously exeggerated, when i said, it is "insanely" boring. I do not hate the game, because then i would never ever post on a forum. :P
The thing is, that i see so much potential, so much cool stuff that could go on this game. I know not every card is meant to be op, but in my eyes it is sad to see, that interesting mechanics and synergies get washed away douzens of times, just because one or two decks are so prominent. It has come to a point, where the last 5 legendaries i got from packs did not make me feel excited, because i knew i can't even play them on ladder. 3 days ago, i played with a friend of mine and we just played homebrews vs each other, they weren't super strong but they also didn't suck. The gameplay was so interesting and fun.
Oh i forgot to say, my games were almost all on rank4
Hey there everyone, every expansion i try to make my favourite card emeriss to work, but the succes has been mediocre almost every time.
This one has been doing pretty well, but i would like to hear some suggestions about it. Anyone has some ideas? Anyway, here is the deck and my stats:
As people mentioned here already, it probably is your lacking skill that keeps you from hitting rank5. To get better it is a good idea to play with someone else, discuss before making a turn and try to learn all your matchups. To not tilt, it helps to chose a deck that has no "autowins" or "autoloses", because you won't learn from those games.
The comunity is really helpfull and i guess if you leave your battletag and your region here, there will be some nice people willing to help you out.
I just hit legend with the highlander hunter, it may not be the strongest deck overall, but it is not bad by any means.
i am actually having a blast with those new decks, i was always sad, that i didn't play during the reno-era. I think the decks are a lot more skill-testing, you need a good mulligan and the matches are always something else. About not having a wincondition, idk what you are talking about. mage has lunas pocket galaxy and with that, alex, kalecgos, toni, mountain giant and lots of random spells and hunter has it's hero power, traps, weapons. If you face a lot of aggro, you can just adjust your deck to your local meta. (things like hungry crab, aoe secret or arcane explosion)
The beauty of highlander decks is that they are so variable ;)
lol you guys, if you say highlander decks suck then you clearly are bad, i played from rank 5 to rank3 with a homebrew highlander mage and from 3 to 1 with highlander hunter, those decks are great, i don't know how anyone can say they are bad. Reno is not as flashy as the old version, but it provides a full clear most of the time, considering you had a minion left on the board, PLUS a 4/6 body, which is really good tempo wise. What you also can do is coins blizzard into reno.
i don't know. since the latest patch, all classes have been as one dimensional as they ever were. there are 2 very dominate forces that shut down a big chunk of the possible decks. There is no control deck, that performs as good as control warrior, which shuts down almost every aggro deck and outvalue every other control deck. And then there is conjourers mage, that punishes all decks that want to play greedy.
i usually hate those "nerf xy"-threads, but conjourers and dr boom/devestator need to be nerfed. I am not sure if the power lvl of the new exp will be enough. (i really hope it will)
Also, you having a decent winrate vs a dominant deck doesn't make that deck less dominant. I always hate that logic "just play deck x if you want to win vs deck y" yeah great, if you don't like that deck, you are screwed, if you are on a budget, you are screwed.
Just because there is 1 deck that is actually winning vs warrior, makes warrior not that much less dominant. There are currently 2 decks that are mainly played and those 2 are shutting down so most other decks. (Cyclone mage and CW). Every greedy deck is killed by mage and every aggro and other control deck is killed by CW) Trust me, i have tried many other control decks, with some kind of win condition, but everyone of them failed.
I feel like playing vs control warrior instantly sucks all the fun out of you. Compare it to control shaman. That deck has REALLY strong removal tools as well, but they dont feel as stupid to play against. Warrior just has the answer for EVERYTHING.
There is so much flawed in the warrior class. Brawl rng is tilting to the max and boom and devestator are simply op. You can't even play arround any cards from cw. If it's an attrition battle you will have to bait out EVERY removal anyway. And if you play any kind of aggro, you just have to play and hope the cw doesn't have the answer. I hate that deck and it tilts me so hard -.- I even found my way to the salt thread :(
FUCKING OMEGA DEVESTATOR, what the fuck did someone think when printing this card?
It needs to be nerfed asap. That card would even be played for 6 mana when dr boom is not in the game. FUCKING stupid broken card. Control warrior is the lamest strategy i have ever faced and it drains every fun out of this fuckin game.
Guys, stop overreacting :D
this needs 2 cards to be played and is bad as a topdeck. Typical win more card. This card is strong but not op.
You also always know when your enemy is holding a lackey in his hand. If you want to generate the lackey the same turn as you play this, we are at 6 mana 9/9 on 3 cards, which doesn't sound too op for me.
man is the art ugly :/
This is really well written. I espescially think that you are right about that there needs to be other things than just winning and losing. It really frustrates me, that half of my collection is not even usable, because the meta just happen to shape up in a certain way. When the only thing the game wants you to do is winning, then no one has a reason to play the 49% wr card over the 51% wr card. There are so many cards that could work as a tech card vs specific matchups, but suck otherwise that no one even considers them.
As long as the game format stays as it is, we will never get rid of "class/deck xy is so cancer" posts, because there will always be the top deck (percantage-wise) in constructed.
Very diverse indeed.
4 class meta
I do understand that and I obviously exeggerated, when i said, it is "insanely" boring. I do not hate the game, because then i would never ever post on a forum. :P
The thing is, that i see so much potential, so much cool stuff that could go on this game. I know not every card is meant to be op, but in my eyes it is sad to see, that interesting mechanics and synergies get washed away douzens of times, just because one or two decks are so prominent. It has come to a point, where the last 5 legendaries i got from packs did not make me feel excited, because i knew i can't even play them on ladder.
3 days ago, i played with a friend of mine and we just played homebrews vs each other, they weren't super strong but they also didn't suck. The gameplay was so interesting and fun.