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Name Type Class Cost Attack Health
Fanottem, Lord of the Opera Minion Warlock301515
Shirvallah, the Tiger Minion Paladin2575
Molten Giant Minion2088
Molten Giant Minion2088
Naga Giant Minion2088
Playhouse Giant Minion2088
Reska, the Pit Boss Minion Death Knight2063
Ur'zul Giant Minion Demon Hunter1388
Arcane Giant Minion1288
Clockwork Giant Minion1288
Clockwork Giant Minion1288
Grave Horror Minion Priest1278
Mountain Giant Minion1288
Mountain Giant Minion1288
Chained Guardian Minion Death Knight1185
Snowfury Giant Minion Shaman1188
Snowfury Giant Minion Shaman1188
Amplified Elekk Minion10612
Banjosaur Minion Hunter1056
Big Bad Archmage Minion1066
Colossus of the Moon Minion101010
C'Thun, the Shattered Minion1066
Deathwing Minion101212
Deathwing the Destroyer Minion101212
Deathwing, Dragonlord Minion101212
DJ Manastorm Minion Mage1088
Emeriss Minion Hunter1088
Eonar, the Life-Binder Minion Druid1057
Faceless Behemoth Minion101010
Factory Assemblybot Minion1067
Flesh Giant Minion Priest1088
Frost Giant Minion1088
Gigantotem Minion Shaman1088
Goldshire Gnoll Minion1054
Hakkar, the Soulflayer Minion1096
Jumbo Imp Minion Warlock1088
King Phaoris Minion1055
Kun the Forgotten King Minion Druid1077
Living Monument Minion101010
Lokholar the Ice Lord Minion1088
Mecha'thun Minion101010
Neptulon the Tidehunter Minion1077
N'Zoth, the Corruptor Minion1057
Raid Boss Onyxia Minion1088
Scrapyard Colossus Minion1077
Sea Giant Minion1088
Sea Giant Minion1088
Sire Denathrius Minion101010
Stoneborn General Minion1088
Thaddius, Monstrosity Minion101111
The Boom Reaver Minion Warrior1079
The Jailer Minion101010
Tyrantus Minion Druid101414
Ultrasaur Minion10714
Varian Wrynn Minion Warrior1077
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End Minion1075
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate Minion1075
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound Minion101010
Y'Shaarj, the Defiler Minion101010
Alexstrasza Minion988
Alexstrasza Minion988
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Minion988
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Minion988
Ancient Void Hound Minion Demon Hunter91010
Anubisath Warbringer Minion996
Arch-Thief Rafaam Minion978
Aviana Minion Druid955
Aviana Minion Druid955
Baku the Mooneater Minion978
Blood of G'huun Minion Priest988
Blood of The Ancient One Minion999
Brutal Annihilan Minion Demon Hunter999
Bull Dozer Minion997
Burly Shovelfist Minion999
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Minion988
Fizzy Elemental Minion Druid91010
Giant Mastodon Minion9612
Grand Magister Rommath Minion Mage957
Icehowl Minion91010
King Krush Minion Hunter988
King Krush Minion Hunter988
King Plush Minion Hunter966
Krul the Unshackled Minion Warlock999
Krul the Unshackled Minion Warlock999
Lightray Minion Paladin955
Majordomo Executus Minion997
Mal'Ganis Minion Warlock997
Mal'Ganis Minion Warlock997
Master Oakheart Minion955
Mayor Noggenfogger Minion954
Mekgineer Thermaplugg Minion997
Mulchmuncher Minion Druid988
Nefarian Minion988
Nethrandamus Minion Demon Hunter988
North Sea Kraken Minion997
Nozdormu Minion988
N'Zoth, God of the Deep Minion957
Odyn, Prime Designate Minion Warrior988
Onyxia Minion988
Onyxia the Broodmother Minion988