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This or Skull of the Man'ari?
Not bad
I am mostly Wild player,and Krul the Unshackled is very good in Renolock deck,many times he deliver me a win jumping in play with cards like Doomguard and Voidlord :) So i like it so much,even crafted Golden version :) So those who like Reno style deck definitely should craft Krul.
Turn 9: Play Krul, summon demons out of hand.
Opponents turn: clears your board.
Turn 10: Play Bloodreaver Gul'dan, get all of your demons back.
Opponent: Concedes. :)P
Seriously though, this is a really fun and actually pretty powerful card to play. Huge stats, plus can pull huge demons out of your hand for free. :)
A little trivia fact: Krul is technically the most powerful creature according to Lore in Hearthstone to date. He's not a simple demon that made it's way into the Kabal, rather an incredibly powerful Voidlord that is capable of destroying entire planets. Although even more powerful Void Gods exist (like Entropius), Kruul can easily devour and destroy characters like Ysera, Ragnaros, Y'shaarj, etc.
He is literally the Void which makes him so much cooler. :D
"Both Krul and Spicklefizz are unique to Hearthstone."
Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
He is the void. He is your nightmare.
RenoKrul is a fun deck, but I'm not sure it will be viable without Reno.
want to craft this card but disappointed it is not good in standard with kazakus spells alone
Who's a guy at bottom of the card art?
Some gnome, being controlled by the demon. Normally it's the other way around.
Voidwalker attack: As you command.
Krul attack: As I command.
The art is from a card from WoW TCG. Mazar, a gnome warlock. Source
Here, in Hearthstone, it was renamed Spicklefizz, according to the flavor text
If you have Mal'Ganis I recommend trying Reno Demonlock in Wild. Its actually a pretty fun deck to play there.
Recently crafted Krul and still looking for a competitive deck, this new meta is so aggressive and Krul deck needs a game to takes till turn 9-10
so i myself, looking for some replace for big cards, some low mana control cards like doomsayer and others ...
the sad thing is that you like this play style and cards like illidan but still hard to play it ! crafted both of them and not regret but hope blizzard find a way to make these playable
anyone i will reach rank 1 with this deck and new reno mage one day !!!
if anyone have a good competitive Deck tell me. thanks.
Surprisingly useful legendary. You can always add some demons to your hand with Kazakus Potion. And there are situations when you prefer to see Lord Jaraxxus as a 3/15 minion (play around burst damage, Sacrificial Pact etc).
Why didn't Krul the Unshackled put Demons into the battlefield from both sides? (similar to how Onyxia summons Whelps from both sides)
Cool card and cool art
This is a whole new brand of Reno deck. This is Krul'lock.
not sure if I would stick this in a deck but it's a fun card to get off of Kazakus potion