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Very good card , i'm planning to make my deathrattle priest deck and this card will come in handy. :)
It has such good deathrattle which can be used in combination with any deathrattle minion you have in hand really.
Honestly thought it was good at first, but it's a "dust it." Having a big death rattle in hand is a huge tempo loss and if you play this in a deck with smaller deathrattles the pay off isn't worth it.
After thinking over its hunter version counterpart that's 5/4 for 6 and summons deathrattles from the deck instead, and then thinking SYLVANAS! I remembered how fun Dragonlord Deathwing can be and this can ramp it out in a fun combo-orientated way. Cool.
Edit: Corrected 5 cost to 6.
Seeping oozeling is 6 mana though?
This card is like fighting that Cube shaped Cancer by cutting it out with a rusty knife by yourself. It prob wont work and kill ya.
Not sure where the hype is coming from. As a Priest, you rarely want to sacrifice value for tempo (unless your playing against aggro and this card is worthless against aggro). You're sacrificing value by being forced to play a card at a potentially sub-optimal time, usually decided by the opponent.
Why not just play Spiteful Summoner for massive tempo AND value?
Oh no... not looking forward to dealing with this card at all!!!
6 mana for a 6/5 body with a crazy good deathrattle. Sign me in!
Description:"So you have you ever heard of the party crasher, well this guy is the same thing, except with sad funerals.... and coffins"
This looks like the cover to the straight-to-DVD sequel for Wedding Crashers.
(Somewhere Owen Wilson is saying "wowww!")
Insane card for an insane class! Exactly what we asked for! (Now seriously Blizzard, nerf the fuck outta Warlock)
good Deathrattle that may be good with this. ( so far ):
Obsidian Statue
Cairne Bloodhoof
Bone Drake
Coffin Crasher
Tortollan Shellraiser because Taunt
Hmm. Has the stats and cost of Highmane and a similar reason to not want to kill the minion off in a class that can actually play the role of control. It doesn't fit any existing archetypes, but could be meta-defining if there any good deathrattles in the expansion and will almost certainly see play in big priest.
Thoughts so far?
The different wording from Voidcaller makes me wonder if you can play this as a psuedo infinite minion...
I believe the effect is the same as Voidcaller's though I can't imagine why it's wording is different, looking at Kobold Illusionist it'd have to say it summons a copy for it to allow for infinite shenanigans.
sasha is that you?
Does the Shaman class qualify for "a Deathrattle minion"?
New Iron Maiden album cover?
Uhm, no? you End up with Umbra and two Coffin Crashers on the field and maybe something else if you had more deathrattlers in your hand.
Because Coffin Crasher doesn't summon a copy of deathrattler in hand, it summons that deathrattler itself. Case in point, Dirty Rat has similar effect but for your opponent.