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Fought against a Cubelock with my Secret Tempo Mage. My Mirror Entity triggered on his [card]Carnivorous Cube[card/] that destroyed his [card]Doomguard[card/]. He killed my [card]Carnivorous Cube[card/] with [card]Hellfire[card/]. I was about to use [card]Flamestrike[card/] against his taunts next turn,THEN he summoned [card]Hungry Ettin[card/] which summoned a [card]Doomsayer[card/] which killed my [card]Doomguard[card/]s. Feelsbadman.
gEttin Hungry
I just had this guy summon a Patient Assassin.. it's like the ultimate meme counter.
They let him free!
Everyone laughs at this card yet ppl will cry when this is recruited xD xD loooool
You can be god damn sure somebody is going to make a crusher shaman with this lil guy.
Go ahead, hihe hm hih, make my day...
Because I have way too much time on my hands, I decided to go through every 2 mana minion (Both standard and wild as of 11/27/2017) that Hungry Ettin and rate the minions by Stats and Effects and then review the card itself.
Ideal minions to summon
Ancient Watcher, Argent Watchman, Bilefin Tidehunter, Biteweed, Blowgill Sniper, Bluegill Warrior, Captain's Parrot, Darnassus Aspirant, Druid of the Saber, Druid of the Swarm, Echoing Ooze, Explosive Sheep (can also be bad), Fallen Sun Cleric, Fire Plume Harbinger, Grimestreet Informant, Grimestreet Outfitter, Jeweled Scarab, Lance Carrier, Lightwell, Lorewalker Cho (be careful since Cho is a double-edge sword), Murloc Tidehunter, Museum Curator, Nat Pagle, Nat, the Darkfisher, Netherspite Historian, , Novice Engineer, Public Defender, Unstable Ghoul (could be bad to), Vitality Totem, Wrathguard
Average minions to summon
Acidic Swamp Ooze, Alexstrasza's Champion, Amani Berserker, Annoy-o-Tron, Anodized Robo Cud, Arcanologist, Argent Protector, Armorsmith, Beckoner of Evil, Bloodfen Raptor, Bloodsail Raider, Boneguard Lieutenant, Brrrloc, Clutchmother Zavas, Crackling Razormaw, Crazed Alchemist, Cruel Taskmaster, Cult Sorcerer, Dark Peddler, Defias Ringleader, Duskboar, Eternal Sentinel, Faerie Dragon, Fallen Hero (Ideal if your opponents a Warlock but Bad if your opponent is a Mage or Hunter), Flame Juggler, Friendly Bartender, Gadgetzan Ferryman, Gadgetzan Socialite, Gilblin Stalker, Gnomeferatu, Goblin Auto-Barber, Golakka Crawler, Haunted Creeper, Hobart Grapplehammer, Huge Toad, Hydrologist, Ice Walker (Bad if your opponent is a Mage), Jade Swarmer (Bad if your opponent is running Jades), Kindly Grandmother, King's Elekk, Kobold Geomancer, Mad Bomber, Mana Addict, Mana Geode (Bad against Priest though), Mana Wraith (Double-Edge Sword), Medivh's Valet, Nerub'ar Weblord, Nerubian Egg, One-eyed Cheat, Pompous Thespian, Primalfin Champion, Primalfin Totem, Prince Keleseth, Puddlestomper, Ravasaur Runt, Razorpetal Lasher, Recombobulator, River Crocolisk, Rockpool Hunter, Scavenging Hyena, Shadowboxer, Shielded Minibot, Ship's Cannon (Watch out for Pirates), Shrinkmeister, Sparring Partner, Steamwheedle Sniper (Bad against Hunter), Stonesplinter Trogg, Succubus, Sunfury Protector, Tainted Zealot, Tiny Knight of Evil, Tortollan Forager, Totem Golem, Trogg Beastrager, Tuskarr Fisherman, Twilight Geomancer, Twisted Worgen, Undercity Valiant, Volatile Elemental, Whirling Zap-o-matic, Wild Pyromancer (Could be bad as well), Wyrmrest Agent, Youthful Brewmaster
Bad minions to summon
Bloodmage Thalnos, Cornered Sentry, Cutpurse, Darkshire Librarian, Dire Wolf Alpha, Dirty Rat, Doomsayer, Flametongue Totem, Garrison Commander, Knife Juggler, Loot Hoarder, Mad Scientist, Master Swordsmith, Mechwarper, Micro Machine, Millhouse Manastorm, Patient Assassin, Pint-Sized Summoner, Pyros, Radiant Elemental, Shadow Ascendant, Shimmering Tempest, Snowchugger, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Stubborn Gastropod, Undercity Huckster
Hungry Ettin is not as bad as it looks. It should be noted that you should probably count this as a 4/7 to 4/8 in most situations witch is better then Ancient of Blossoms except when it gives your opponent one of the minion in the "Bad" pool. Its also good when you have a way to killed the minion that Ettin summons so that your opponent will have a bad time passing through a 4/10 taunt. with that said I don't think Hungry Ettin is good enough put into your deck and will probably only been seen in Rank when a Doppelgangster evolves into one
Rank: 1/5
Arena: 3/5
I like it myself, and a number of the "bad" minions aren't really that important as the ettin has 10 health to soak up damage and its 4 attack will put down most of what it can summon. All you really have to worry about is the gastropod, assassin, and doomsayer.
like the card as well even though it shares a similar design Hungry Dragon but the reason I listed the "Bad" cards is that they give your opponent resources when they die like Pyros, a pile of stats or a way to kill the Ettin like what 90% in this chat is saying Doomsayer. Plus if your behind in Arena (because I don't see this card finding a home in a deck) its can be pretty hard to kill the minion that the Ettin summons (Trust me)
drown your worries in Pint-Size Potion
well, as of now we have 2-way to deal with 4 attack minions. I think Anduin will manage
garbage and should have a higher statline; 4/13 would be good enough
Lore wise I am glad Ettins come to HS. Otherwise "Meh".
Battlecry: Summon a random Doomsayer for your opponent.
I like that the heads on the ettin are just Garrosh and Kargath