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The attack sound looks like Springtrap's jumpscare.
Why is the Spider token also a 3-mana card? That just seems broken in conjunction with Evolve. Not that I'm complaining, of course; it's nice that my Shaman deck of choice got a boost from Karazhan.
What's this Pantry Spider is evolving
2x 7/7
Deal with it! xD
Let Rngesus guide you young one
good total stats/mana ratio. Generally weak tokens, especially against aoe, but easily good with buffs.
This or carrion grub for hunter as my houndmaster combo?
Why not both? It will give your deck multiple options. I was able to gain tempo in a match by playing Pantry Spider and Freezing Trap. On the following two turns, I was able to buff the Pantry Spider with Houndmasters making him a 3/5 and then a 5/7.
I feel like it's a good card with great synergies.
Wait Blizzard, wait...
Are you going to buff Evolve Shaman!?
This is great!
Spider Token:
looks like a pokemon.
Cutest card in Hearthstone without a doubt. Unless you are Arachnophobic. But even then you should definitely have a soft spot for this little guy <3
This flushes Echoing Ooze down the drain!
2 different cards man. echoing ooze maintain any buffs to the copy as well.
2 attack and 6 health for 3 mana- not bad. They would need buffing I think to prevent them dying so easily. Defender of Argus combo will be insane. More fuel for zoo I think. Flametongue Totem and other adjacent attack buffing cards also have great synergy.
Cause when you find one spider in your pantry, a second one is definitely lurking around somewhere...
This plus "Who knows what secrets we'll uncover!" = Spider Party. Add in Ball of Spiders for full gimmick effect.
I think that zoo can play that card. Turn 3 Pantry Spider, turn 4 Defender of Argus, also other buff cards that zoo has work well with the rather sticky body that this card has.
I wonder if they ever followed any biology lessons at Blizzard... Spiders are not beasts (and I know there are already beast spiders in the game, but I just don't get how you can call these beasts).