Double Decker - Whizbang Multitype Wild Decks

Welcome back to another Double Decker article. As Hearthstone’s 10 year anniversary set, we get many retrained versions of tons of legendary minions from the past. Some were memorable characters with unique designs that never saw quite a huge amount of play, others were widely popular in the meta and loved by many players, and one of them is Shudderwock. As with every new expansion, we dove into past decks and added some new cards, as well as combined archetypes to try making interesting new deck ideas. These decks are mostly for fun, but they can work well if you’re dedicated to it. If you’re looking for a fun challenge for yourself, try out one of these decks!

For every Double Decker article, there’s always 1 deck out of them all that stands out far stronger than the rest.

The Winner of the Whizbang Double Decker list is Hunter (Rogue is a close second)!

Big Demon Deathrattle Demon Hunter

Whizbang happened to add a couple new solid 4-cost Deathrattle minions and Demon Hunters can make decent use of them. At the same time, Big Demons got direct support that can make for a good damage-based top end of the deck’s mana curve. With all the Deathrattle minions and Demons, you can easily just cut out any spells you might’ve considered putting in to make room for Magatha, Bane of Music.

The Whole Hog
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Ramping means nothing against minions that just want to SMASH!


"Infuse" Beast Token Hunter

Infuse wasn’t necessarily an “archetype” for Hunters, but they certainly had the class in mind when designing the mechanic given that they ended up with more Infuse cards than any other class. Despite getting good token related cards though, Hunters never really found especially good support for a token centric deck before now. There’s been cards for this strategy before, but the best ones usually just end up being assimilated into face hunter rather than being made into a deck where the act of having a ton of beasts is itself the goal. But now we have the cards for such a deck that has so far proven to be successful. What better way to capitalize on this success in wild than revisiting all those good ol’ cards from Castle Nathria? Shadehound shines especially as an incredible source of burst pressure and Huntsman Altimor can summon all three Companions with ease! This deck has proven itself against the most common decks in the wild meta multiple times each, which include Even Shaman, Pirate Rogue, and Quest Warlock.

Rat King (The Good Kind)
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 Pirate Rogue and Even Shaman < One Infused Shadehound


No Minions Casino Mage

We’ve been reintroduced to the Mage archetype first seen in Ashes of Outland that doesn’t want any minions in the deck. Now one of the payoff cards involve casting random expensive spells. Well, it joins the increasing list of Mage spells that cast other random spells. When including The Galactic Projection Orb, a no minions deck can now operate with the same win condition and counter play as Yogg-saron himself; Pick a God and Pray.

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Problem Solving with Problem Causers


Highlander Dragon (Jaraxxus?) Priest

Highlander Priest has been a solid deck since Knight of the Frozen Throne created Shadowreaper Anduin. Raza the Chained with Voidform was a famously powerful combo that can make your Hero Power strong enough to win you the game on its own. But now, people prefer Reno, Lone Ranger because of its drastically superior Battlecry. There’s also Raza the Resealed so Reno can do everything the Anduin Death Knight could but better. However, there’s one possibility no one is truly thinking about; Zephrys the Great can generate Lord Jaraxxus fairly reliably. While this isn’t the actual goal of the deck, it’s something incredibly fun that wasn’t possible before. Hero cards that see play do so because of their Battlecries rather than their Hero Power. Jaraxxus may have the weakest Battlecry, but his Hero Power has always been one of the strongest ones in terms of raw power. Being able to make it repeatable and free just makes it hilariously annoying. A small Dragon package also works pretty well since Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Murozond, Thief of Time are already decent highlander cards, while Kazakusan can swap out your deck if someone sabotages your highlander triggers and Timewinder Zarimi can close the game whenever you have a good board state, such as a board of 6/6 Demons.

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Just your typical Priest boards in wild right?


Miracle Pogo Rogue

The only card in the Whizbang set that made the cut for this deck ended up being Sonya Waterdancer, but plenty of indirect support for Pogo Rogue has been released in the last year, so this is basically a deck with these robo-rabbits that heavily utilizes many cards in standard that make it strong enough for wild. The most important cards came from Titans, where Gear Shift is hype aggressive draw power, Pit Stop tutors for Pogo-Hopper, and Celestial Projectionist efficiently gives you an additional one.

It should be noted that a more control oriented version of the deck is possible with things like Spirit of the Shark and Joymancer Jepetto, but this aggressive variant proved to be FAR stronger.

Pogo Rogo
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They just get so big so early!


Hand Cubelock

Remember Carnivorous Cube? That neutral epic that was really fun to play against? The main user of this gelatinous fellow was Warlock, making a whole archetype around it. Now we get new support for big demons that resembles pieces the deck used to have; perfect for exploitation. The original deck didn’t have Tamsin Roame, but it fits nicely as a cheeky way to duplicate your removal or things that summon copies of your things like Reverberations and Endgame. 


Square-The Shape of Evil
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Cursed Campaign didn't make the cut, but have you seen such telegraphed inevitable lethal before?


Mech Bomb Warrior

We brought in Dr. Boom, Mad Genius for an interview, and he told us his top 3 favorite minions are “Me, Myself, and I”. He wanted to create a deck built with pure chaos in mind. When does the opponent draw their Bombs? Who knows! What are the Boom Bots gonna hit? Whatever they feel like! What will the T.N.T. blow up? All that matters is that things blow up! We asked Dr. Boom what the game plan is. He responded with “Yes”, laughed maniacally, and walked out the hole he made in the wall on his way in.

Dr. Appointment
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We hope you like these ideas for updated decks and combination archetypes to try out in Wild. We plan to continue presenting ideas for these kinds of decks whenever new cards are released. If you ever want a break from using the same decks everyone else built, try to challenge yourself by merging archetypes and making a successful combination of cards that can rival the power of decks in the meta!



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