Kurtrus, Demon-Render
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon two
@/4 Demons with Rush.
(Improved by your hero
attacks this game.)
Flavor Text
"I dedicated my life to vanquishing demons, but I never thought to face the demons in me. Maybe, in time, I can help quell the demons in you." -Kurtrus, to Cariel
Each attack of your hero gives the demons +1 attack.
If you attack 4 times, summoned bats will have 5/4.
What is the maximum attack these minions can reach? Let;s say u use it turn 30 u can make them 25+ attack for example?
Yes :D
That is nice. Thx :)
What is the upgrade after attack?
This is everything I hoped it would be. I love me some Token DH in Standard and in Wild.
5/5 hero card.