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I just love this card!
I've rediscovered this card of late, and am having a blast with this deck.
Y'all: "ugh this card should be nerfed"
For real though, this card is nuts at 1 mana if you can chain them together, but getting there in the first place is the tough part. Being weak to Earth Shock hurts it a little too, especially since the only other target in Pogo decks tends to be Edwin VanCleef, and Shamans are decently popular at the moment. Overall though it's a great card, and so far it doesn't seem to be breaking the meta even at 1.
This archetype is fun, might level the remaining 350 wins for the golden heroe with this one, lol
I have never seen Blizzard push a certain type of archetype/deck so hard yet.
First this card got introduced and I believe it had some big reveal and you had stuff like Lab Recruiter and Augmented Elekk
in Rise of Shadows you had cards like Togwaggle's Scheme and Tak Nozwhisker trying to push this archetype (bonus points for Togwaggle's Scheme art)
The Adventure had a literal boss that was a giant Pogo Hopper named P.O.G.O with the hero power to shuffle a copy of a card.
And now they're buffing this card to have 1 mana...
Not sure if I should be impressed or feel bad for Pogo Hopper because nobody seems to play it on the ladder (except on rank 25-20)
Destroyer of Worlds
This card is Super-Strong in Wild Format when played right... Now it's getting a Buff! LOL.
This card must be nerfed.
Ironic. Its being buffed XD
It's only a matter of time until this is nerfed, either +1/+1 or cost to 3
No! Blizzard shouldn't nerf cute cards! ఠ_ఠ
i love this card https://i.imgur.com/rnHdl4Y.png
Funny looking card
The sound that plays when it is summoned.. shudder
This card is easy win against control it's almost impossible not to draw pogo-hopper with elven and with rogue's draw cards.This card is busted and should be nerfed to 4 mana
After playing around 30 games with a pogo-hopper deck (Winrate 55%) I have one concern... In all those games I have never ever had a pogo-hopper in my starting hand, even after mulligan. I also struggle a lot to draw it even with the Elven Minstrel, and beleive me, I run a lot of card draw.
I am playing hearthstone a while now and I have always wondered about early game key cards which seemingly often manage it to make it in the starting hand or are top decked on turns 1-2. I am talking about Fiery War Axe, Northshire Cleric, Wild Growth, Mana Wyrm, Kobold Librarian, just to name a few.
But to the card itself: It is a ton of fun to play and relatively competitive on lower ranks.
The game is rigged
The new Jade
What happens with Crystal Core?