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Fcking cancer
After the nerf:
Normally, this card would be completely unplayable, but funnily enough, it's actually still good for Cubelock.
It's May and still no nerfs to older powercreep/cheat bullshit cards like this. Team 5 is truly remarkable bunch.
This card alone is ruining hearthstone for me, no matter what deck I play, if I go against a warlock, they draw perfectly for the matchup, whether its rng on pulling doomguards/voidlords EXACTLY the turn they need them to win or survive, or just having a thousand board clears. I mean I cannot take it anymore DARK PACT NEEDS TO BE NERFED, the card is actually broken, the newest list for cubelock can literally not run a single card from witchwood and still be a tier 1 deck, dark pact needs to cost 3 or more, honestly I hope they nerf cube and dark pact just so the deck dies. Voidlord, possessed lackey, and weapon are all fine and balanced, cube and pact are completely broken when they are implemented into a deck with these cards. When a deck literally doesn't have to change a SINGLE CARD ON THE RELEASE OF AN EXPANSION THAT MEANS THERE IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM, BLIZZARD PLZ KILL THIS.
Okay, I thought of a way to nerf this bullshit card, and I think I found one.
This card shouldn't be 1 mana, it should be 3. It's just way too powerful. It can combo with so many powerful deathrattles, AND heal for 8 health. In it's current form, two copies could be played on one turn to heal for 16 at two mana. That is just too strong. This change fixes that, and makes it a still useful card as it can be used with Cube or Lackey on turn 8, and still heal you, but not be bullshit.
This card is fucking bullshit. Two mana heals for 16, and when combos with powerful deathrattles makes for big board presence. It has ZERO downsides, and is massive healing for Warlock, when the class is not known for good heals. WHAT IDIOT AT BLIZZARD MADE THIS BULLSHIT CARD!? It needs to get nerfed!
I think a good nerf on this card could be if adding in the text "if kills a deathrattle take damage instead "
Sact pact is a situational card that makes your deck and board worse if you desperate for health. This crap allows you to have a better board and heal for a lot without any downside
Carnivorous Cube + this shit = 2 x Doomguard = one of the most broken combo ever. No decisions need, Just get your Doomguard from Skull of the Man'ari or Possessed Lackey, destroy him with Cube you will win. Cool game, Blizzard.
Welcome back to Standard, Handlock.
this card is probably the best in the set. singlehandly could bring lock to standard.
Across two cards, which is the tax warlock is forced to pay for most of their cards.
I can see it used with Sylvanas Windrunner in some control decks.
Combos well with high value deathrattles like eggs, though killing your own minions, even eggs, is anti-tempo; would be better to buff them and activate via trading. Even so, 1 mana for 8 health is pretty good.
I'm hesitant to call this a good card because zoo doesn't really care about taking damage, and in control it takes up a vital deck slot, but the fact that it will allow you to take bigger risks with your health total could potentially make overstated minions like Pit Lord and Unlicensed Apothecary viable.
It's a common, so might as well experiment with it, I suppose.
Dark Pact + Devilsaur Egg =
4 mana 5/5 heal your hero for 8. Nice.
It is a solid card in its own right. 1 mana heal 8 is a very good deal even if you don't manage to target a deathrattle minion. Use it on eggs and deathrattles and you get even more value.