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Innercountervate coin
THis card was made for fussy kids who whine when they don't get The Coin.
I really don't think this is very good. Coin is good for rogue because it was a combo activator but also because it is free. It's a free card that does not otherwise disrupt your card draw, etc. Counterfeit coin actually takes away your ability to have another card in its place and all it does is giving you one mana - that's not quite good enough for a card space.
I hope it is chocolate
Innervate is better
Give rogue innervates and see how that plays out.
Innervate was so high up Blizzard's chopping block it's not even funny. They mentioned that they almost nerfed it and wild growth during the first Standard rotation.
i actually had the luck to punish a pirate warrior with turn 1: counterfeit, counterfeit, coin, preparation, shiv, 12/12 VANCLEEF.
except when you ended turn, he hit your van cleef with his first mate or patches (whichever one you didn't shiv), and executed it before you ever got to use it. rip :(
Right... Lots of pirate warriors use Execute...
The rest of his deck was pirates
Design space, they said.
Just think of all the amazing weapons we'll be able to make with Blade Flurry nerfed, they said.
Bliizard making a worse version of a basic card? Oh wait... is a rogue card LUL
It's fucking sad that this is the best card rogue got in this expansion.
When a COIN is better than at least half of the Rogue cards in this expansion o.o
I tink that was a typo. You said most. I think you meant all.