The Rat King

Card Text
Rush. Deathrattle: Go
Dormant. Revive after 5
friendly minions die.
Flavor Text
"I'm the giant rat that makes all of da rules!"
Rush. Deathrattle: Go
Dormant. Revive after 5
friendly minions die.
"I'm the giant rat that makes all of da rules!"
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How can I get this card? It can not be crafted.
A 5-Cost 5-Attack Rush minion is pretty good on its own. If you bring it back once, it has already proven itself.
Midrange Hunter has been extremely strong in the past, and this could definitely be part of a new midrange-token thing. Devouring Swarm definitely makes the whole rat package more attractive, plus there's always Broomstick. It will be interesting to try, at the very least.
Quest Hunter in Wild can use this
I think you mean that plant. From Rogue. Sherazin or something like that...? Actually did see some play IIRC, I remember playing it at least. With those Flowerpetal 1 Mana deal 1 dmg things. Sortof Rapid Fire.
But that had actually a lot of natural synergy built in the deck for it, it's just what Rogue does. Now with Hunter, he also summons a lòt of stuff, from Hyenas to just other cheap-ass 1-drops and cheap beasts. But I think the literal single fact that the Trampling Rhino is such a huge thing in Hunter rn, is what's gonna be a huge, huge hurdle for our boy The Rat King to overcome.
I hope he manages to do so, maybe with a small nerf for the former, or rather a bit of a different statline for this one, maybe 6 Mana 6/6, or 5 Mana 7/4 or something like that. Will be interesting to see what Blizz will reveal for other synergies apart from the 6 Mana Rat Infestation already, only time will tell.
Great card. Less damage than Rhino, but great after the 1/1 hyenas die.
First of all, he's a rat, which means life is hard.
Second, he has a highly developed ability of rush and resurrection.
If he was what he eats, he would be dead friendly minions, but to me,
Doesnt have charge, cant go face and is slow. 0/5 me go face only SMOrc
I don't see this card seeing much play. It suffers a lot of the dormant problems of other cards in the past, with similar revival conditions, like the one card (don't remember it's name) that revives when you cast four spells in one turn. Now if it revived after five turns, minus one turn if a friendly minion died (example - five start, minion died revives four, two die revives in three turns) or revives after five minions die. It could see more play but might cost one mana more.
I'm glad they brought the Rat King back. His boss fight in the Dalaran Heist was so neat! It looks like the Devs are trying to set up some sort of token hunter, but I'm not really sure if this card fits a token deck, especially in hunter. If you play this on turn 5 and fill your board with the 6-mana spell the next turn, then you can get the value effect of the revive on turn 7, but that's an awful lot of not hitting face for just another 5/5 rush.
Rats rats we are the rats.
I'm happy to see this guy back! He was a Dalaran Heist boss, for those unaware. Also a BG Hero too!