• 1

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    Mojomaster Zihi, and High Priestess Jeklik are NOT performing well, be careful!

    When in doubt, listen to SlydE. :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from alan1231005 >>


     So you're looking for crafting advice on the second day of the expansion. Well, there's nothing certain yet.

    So let me present you with my worthless legendary tier review based on one day of playing.

    Tier 1: Nothing! Never craft things right away. ;)

    Tier 2: Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk, Zul'jin, Oondasta, Mojomaster Zihi, and High Priestess Jeklik

    These have been performing pretty well. Jan'alai and Zul'jin are probably top contenders for a tier 1 slot. Oondasta and Zihi are higher up than normal due to being neutrals.

    Tier 3: Da Undatakah, Captain Hooktusk, Krag'wa, the Frog, High Priest Thekal, Zentimo, War Master Voone, Bwonsamdi, the Dead, Wardruid Loti, Halazzi, the Lynx, and Shirvallah, the Tiger

    Many of these will move around in the next few days. Undatakah isn't performing as well as people had hoped (outside of troll Shudderwock memes) but should find decent decks to live in. Hooktusk is doing well with Cannon Barrage but that will probably not last and she may move down tiers soon. Krag'wa will probably join her in moving down. Voone and Bwonsamdi probably have the best chance at moving up a tier.

    Tier 4: Gonk, the Raptor, Griftah, Gral, the Shark, Hex Lord Malacrass, Princess Talanji, Akali, the Rhino, and Hakkar, the Soulflayer

    Ignore the memes. Gonk is bad and should not be crafted but is fun to play around with. Griftah and Hakkar should really be tier 5 but they have the tiniest bit of utility and they are neutral so they can underperform in any deck you would like. Akali has the best chance of moving up a tier, someone just needs to prove it.

    Tier 5: Hir'eek, the Bat

    Did you get Hir'eek as your loa? I'm sorry. Even in handbuff decks he's still pretty bad. Perhaps one day when warlock gets their own Tundra Rhino he might be of use. Until then it's sacrifice lots of tempo for a potential huge board that has no immediate impact.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble Launches Today! Hearthstone Expansion Survival Guide
    Quote from Hearthbeat >>
    Quote from Mezryn2 >>
    Quote from IlBelTia >>

    49 packs.

    Two legendaries.

    Worst mass-unpacking ever.

     Not quite - 71 packs, two legendaries here. 

     We are talking about new expansion openings here, where you are guaranteed 2 legendaries in first 60 packs. 1st from the 10 packs guarantee, 2nd from 50 pack pity timer. 

     the regular pity timer is actually 40 packs

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Shaman Spell - Haunting Visions

    Who will be the first streamer to play this and then the coin?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, Aviana

    Giggling nerf is good. The line about initially testing it at 6 mana and then releasing it at 5 mana was sort of stupid but hey, at least it's being addressed now.

    Mana Wyrm has always been a problem, but you don't fix it without giving mage something else to compensate for that loss.

    Aviana nerf is underhanded and I will rail about it. Fuck you Blizzard for introducing a combo card that overpowers an existing combo card and then nerfing the OLD card to destroy the now overpowered combo.

    To put it in terms that Mike Donais would understand, a good version of this nerf would change the Spreading Plague beetles to not attack and Psychmelon to cost what it should cost (8+ mana)

    Posted in: News
  • -6

    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, Aviana

    Screw you Blizzard. You fucking suck.

    I had Aviana from back in the day but never had Kun. Well, I just crafted fucking Kun after the "no balance changes this time" message because I figured that since AviKun was just accepted as a fact in wild, I may as well ride the train.

    I also crafted 2x Juicy Psychmelons and 2x Star Aligners. Yea, aligner druid is OK but it's not the end-all-be-all thing. The broken thing isn't AviKun (which is fairly moderate compared to "year of the mammoth mana cheating") but Psychmelon. Changing Psychmelon's cost to 8+ mana would have been a good compromise, but this is Warsong Commander level bullshit.

    Oh but at least I get my 1600 dust from Aviana. Seriously, fuck you.


    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Hearthstone Patch 12.2 - New Dailies, Hallow's End, Welcome Bundle, New Keyword, Bug Fixes

    Where are the new crappy classic class cards that they promised us?

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on [Legend] Fatigue Warrior 60.8%WR - Blizzard's Off-Meta Deck Spotlight

    Garrosh is for anti-aggro. Boom is for value.

    Dead Man's Hand is for winning the fatigue matches. Ideally you don't want to DMH either hero card back into your deck.

    My question about this deck is Lich King. Sure it's a great value card, but 2 out of the 8 DK cards destroy the DMH infinite value and you certainly can't just shuffle them in.

    Posted in: [Legend] Fatigue Warrior 60.8%WR - Blizzard's Off-Meta Deck Spotlight
  • 4

    posted a message on DisguisedToast's Boomsday Hand Mage Theorycraft

    Aluneth will kill you long before you are able to get any value off of Frost Lich Jaina. I'm assuming that this is like early K&C warlock decks that ran both Rin and Skull. You only play the weapon if you are facing aggro.

    Posted in: DisguisedToast's Boomsday Hand Mage Theorycraft
  • 1

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    The Boomsday Project is about to begin! Personally, it looks to me like there are no surefire day one crafts. The bright side is that everyone gets a free non-spell class legendary (of which there are a few good ones), one or two bonus golden legendaries depending on preorder statuses, and the well loved innervated pity timer with new sets. ;)

    I would absolutely recommend not dusting any BDP legends until you are done opening packs. I would also not craft anything until the meta settles down a few weeks or unless you just have too much dust. If you do end up crafting a card that the community said was superawesomeamzing and is later proven to be bad, at least make sure that you get some fun out of it. :)

    My prediction for standard meta ratings (FYI, these are just as wrong as everyone else's predictions):

    Tier 1


    Tier 2

    Flobbidinous Floop - Think of this as Ixlid or Taldaram. It's good but not great.

    Electra Stormsurge - Decent and versatile but won't win the game for you.

    The Boomship - Staple in recruit warrior... please be good this meta.

    The Soularium - Zoo's Tracking when played early (not turn 1!) and a board refresh when played late. This is guaranteed to put Bloodreaver Gul'dan into your hand so you can discard it at end of turn.

    The Storm Bringer - It's like evolve only way more expensive and way more random.

    Tier 3

    Dr. Boom, Mad Genius - People are way overhyping this. Tempo loss and randomness do not win games.

    Floop's Glorious Gloop - This is not a ramp card, but it can be useful in other ways.

    Myra Rotspring - There are some decent deathrattles out there. I still don't think the spellstone will work. ;)

    Subject 9 - I am going to make this work in hunter! Would be rated higher if she had her helmet on in the card art.

    Whizbang the Wonderful - Good card for beginners to learn with but bad to have to craft.

    Tier 4

    Boomaster Flark - Someone will get this to work, and then realize that 8 hero damage probably isn't worth the combo.

    Haringer Celestia - Force your opponent to play a crappy minion or you get a 5/6 next turn.

    Kangor's Endless Army - Magnetic mechanics are too clunky for this to be anything more than a hopeful value play.

    Luna's Pocket Galaxy - Give up immense tempo in hopes that you will recover later.

    Mecha'thun - If you have a control deck that often goes to fatigue, this card can raise your winrates slightly.

    Myra's Unstable Element - There's a use for this card. Have fun finding it!

    Stargazer Luna - If you can get this to work, you deserve the win.

    Zilliax - Magnetic is clunky and costly but if this had windfury it would be Corpsetaker's best friend.

    Tier 5

    Crystalsmith Kangor - Paladin deserves this for having minions like Tirion and Tarim.

    Dr. Morrigan - The worst part is that it goes back into your deck so you get to waste a card draw on it again.

    Flark's Boom-Zooka - Draw three minions, randomly deal their damage to enemies, discard them and gain their deathrattles if any.

    Zerek, Master Cloner - You're better off just playing Cairne Bloodhoof ... or a Bone Drake

    Zerek's Cloning Gallery - If you haven't completed your quest by turn 9, this won't save you.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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