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I didn't even notice she's a Demon until I saw someone SacPaccing their own piper
I'm gonna be trying this out in Bomb Warrior to help find the combo pieces! Also to help find the single Town Crier so that hopefully he isn't too hard to find before drawing both copies of Militia Commander.
Hi demon
good card
No matter how i look at this, it's awesome. I use it in almost every deck, especially those heroes with bad card draw. I love this. One of the best neutral card draw cards. Ever.
This card, for me, is one of the best cards the latest expansion had to offer. I run it nearly every Control deck; It draws low cost minions vs Aggro, and thins the deck vs Control. You can get Arcane Artificers, Armorsmiths, Plated Beetles and Dire Frenzy'd beasts etc. Another good thing is that when you are fatiguing it doesn't draw a card (unlike Gnomish Inventor for example). Even the body is decent, there are no downsides to this card :o
"So... Didja hear the one about the guy from Gilneas?"
Now I'll have no problem finding my Snowflipper Penguin! Thanks Blizzard!
Piper can guarantee to draw Chameleos in control priest. maybe decent in Arugal mage deck and Stonetusk Boar in Hunter.
I came here with this idea on my mind... what is the rule for drawing if two costs are both 1? Lowest total amount of stat points? For example, if I had that 0/1 taunt frog in my deck, would it draw that instead?
Full art
lovely looking but everyone is staying it's a demon and im literally one of the only ones saying this clearly isn't Lel. And how can you argue it when it's not on the god damn card LOL.
this clearly looks like a more Night elfy looking satyr, and.... pretty sure satyrs are more like Felorcs... than fullblown demons
The shikigami make her feel eerie af tho
Satyr IS a demon. It's caused by a curse created by Xavius. They're as much demons as Illidan is a demon or Eredar is a demon.
Another draw engine for Quest Hunter? They are getting a lot of 1 drop help this expansion.
Corrupted, the Elves had taken the form of Satyrs, most notably remembered from Illidan's campaign against Tychondrius and his army of said Satyrs. You can find them in purple, reddish or a pale semi-gray and several other hues, now walking as this alter demonic race of Elves, based on the mythological half goat beast people though those Satyrs were natural beings of nature in contrast to the Warcraft versioned ones that are the said corrupted versions. Despite the grandeur of their origin of their history, the first Satyr in the game, is not a demon...
Come on now XD. More neutral demons would be cool, it's meant to be such and this will open more room for a possible demon archetype for a non-warlock class be it in standard or wild.
this is a good card in the sense that you can manipulate the draws and cards that done this effect usually always seen play in some form, so i wont be surprised if we ended up seeing this card in some sort of highrolling deck, maybe use this card to fish out your spiteful summoner? and use early game cards to stall till then. though i think there is gonna be some deck for sure that'll use this card effectively.
this card and sorccerers apprentice and archmage arugal will probably be the cards that are in a deck with this card. this can pull out your apprentice or arugal, i believe the Exodia deck will return with Just arugal to be honest but this and arugal makes it 100% chance to have 4 apprentice's for the combo but don't think archmage will be in the deck so this card just fishes out your girls and nuke their face alot earlier
I don't think this card would fit into Spiteful decks, because you'd be running a lot of cheap minions for your early-midgame. And keep in mind, Spiteful Summoner costs 6 mana, and this card is 4 mana, you cannot reliably use this card to draw Spiteful.
i say spiteful because there were decks in the past that didn't have early game minions, but no this card will most likely be for the exodia deck, again is why i said it's great because you can manipulate the draw like people did with barnes to get just to get a 10/10 on turn 4, i mean yeah this card is not barnes but it still manipulates the draw is the point of what i was saying