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Does anybody know if the Giant Rat has a beast tag?
He means that it is debuff when you evolve 2 mana creature into a 3 mana and get this instead. and Devolve now is buffed.
also basic totems are 1 mana.
Blizz are really hating on evolve shaman this expansion aren't they?
What's smellier than a kobold? A rat... oh wait...
I love it when blizzard nerfs evolve so i can see the salty highlights
The only reason I can think of Blizzard printing this is for Hobgoblin wild decks and even then it's terrible, I guess it's a better pick in arena than Razorfen to play around Mirror Entity.
This is just a reprint of Razorfen Hunter
The difference is the 2/3 is a beast instead of the 1/1.
It's like Pickle Rick
Wow... Blizzard's really nerfing evolve in this expansion...