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Can Heistbaron Togwaggle trigger using this?
The Kabal had Lackeys before they were cool. Just saying.
I can't wait for this bullshit to get rotated out. Fuck Secret Mage.
Why would you print this????
This + Counterspell
In the current meta, this card seems a bit problematic, to be honest.
Cost reduction for a spell is pretty crazy if a mana wyrm is out. Synergizes extremely well with Medivhs valet as well.
I'm disappointed that this card isn't the Mage class Murloc card. Reno/Curator Mage would be interesting in Wild, with Brann, Jeweled Scarabs, Tomb Spiders, Ironbeak Owls, Stampeding Kodos, Corrupted Seer, etc.
Also, why does his armor looks like a knockoff of Krogan armor.
Seems to be a goren, not a murloc. Goren being intelligent enough to join the Kabal is really odd, though.
Then again, weird races, like Virmen , whatever patches is and harpies and stuff were all over MSOG.
Turn 1 Kabal Lackey -> Counterspell can counter class quests, not an easy combo to pull off; at best has a 50/50 chance due to needing to go first, and they could always use the coin to trigger the trap... but it is something at least :S
Extremely good in secret mage, with Both Kabal Crystal Runner and Kirin Tor Mage
I've tried this card extensively, and I have to say its pretty underwhelming.
First, its really inconsistent. If you have a Secret, but not Kabal Lackey in your pre-mulligan hand, would you keep any Secrets to gamble on getting a Kabal Lackey from mulligan? Obviously not, because if you do not draw it, the Secret will be pretty useless in the early game. If you mulligan away your Secrets, you may end up getting it, but not having any Secrets to play alongside it, which also sucks.
Second, Mage Secrets suck on turn 1. Mirror Entity, Potion of Polymorph, Effigy has higher potential value in the later stages of the game. Counterspell and Spellbender is better kept to protect more valuable minions. The only reason to play this, is for tempo gain from the discount. You wouldn't play this together with more Control-ish Secrets (Ice Block/Ice Barrier/Vaporize).
Third, 2/1 stats for 1 mana is just not good enough in the current meta. It dies to 1/3 minions, and is easily pinged on turn 2.
Fourth, if you draw this in the late game, its just useless. U'll most likely have enough mana to cast the Secret without the discount, the 2/1 body is easily pinged, since the opponent will also most likely have spare mana to Hero Power, and it also easily dies to AoE.
This card may become viable if Blizzard choses to release more tempo-based Secrets for Mage in the future. I'm actually happy that it's not strong enough to fit into existing Tempo Mage decks (Tempo Mage doesn't need anymore help).
He's holding a Volcanic Potion in his right hand.
That would be a cool spell to have as a free secret.
Imagine following up with Medivh's Valet... this card makes it playable turn 2 :D
thats good and all but thats 4 cards and your secret is going to be popped on an early game minion that shouldent mean too much anyway, and now your at a smaller hand and lost 2 great tools for an early lead with a 2/3 and a 2/1 ):
That would kill your hand count for early board and wasted procs of your secrets, it would seem nice to have a present board early but without your hand as a mage you'll lose tempo and start losing the game at turn 4 when mages peak...
Its a tech card for dropping secrets with a spare mana when you play below curve for a turn.
One of players biggest concerns for secrets was that at 3 mana they were balanced for cost and the effects were great, but there was never the time and place to establish them and in many cases they become dead cards.
E.g: its turn 6 and you drop an azure drake, with a 4/4 body you'll feel cheated but you needed to drop it, you got 1 mana spare and you draw into a secret or the lackey with the other component in hand, boom you drop a secret that keep it alive or keep board presence.
-This can apply to many drops- a turn 8 firelands, you pop a secret and slightly more presence, the hefty board allows you to recuperate the loss of hand...
defiantly on the boarder of OP and plain stupidly powerful (you choose whats better). the free secret for 1 is not only free mana but with the new mage secret you can essentially get you a free ping on something early, mid, or late game making dropping this into most mage decks makes that secret that much more annoying. atleast priest isn't the only super dumb deck with this pack.
This is an incredibly strong card in freeze mage. Freeze mage often struggles to drop Alexstrasza because doing so means you don't freeze the board or clear anything and so opponent goes to face. This card ensures you can both play a secret and play Alexstrasza at the same time.
For those of you more experienced players that have played freeze mage, think of how often you were stuck in a situation where you couldn't play Alexstrasza and had to instead control the board because you would die otherwise. Also think about how often during those times you had an ice block or ice barrier in hand. This card solves that problem in a lot of situations which is incredibly useful. I don't think the card is individually that powerful but it is very good in freeze mage, and expect it to be a staple in that deck.
Its an enabler, that can be used late game when your playing off curve drops, blowing it early wastes your secret tbh unless like you said its freeze mage longevity.
BUT at turn 3 you haven't got much better to do than either drop a flamewaker or that secret (unless you have removal you can spare for a [2/4, 3/3 or 3/2] (the most common bodies for 3 drops).