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Massively overhyped card before release.
Not that it's a bad card by any means, but there's so much competition for the 3-mana slot in hunter that this is rarely the optimal pick.
lol this card sounds (and kinda looks) like scooby doo
"Deathrattle: give a random minion in you hand +2/+2. This effect will always hit Ragnaros the Firelord if possible."
That's how the card should read. I swear, it's uncanny how reliably it buffs Rag.
ruby dooby doo!
definitely trying out this one, this buff is huge
Angry Chicken
why is this not a beast??!!
Because you want your Trogg Beastrager give +1/+1 to Dispatch Kodo or Rat Pack, not this.
i was johning .. this creature is in hoggers's family tree .. bonus is i love me a deathrattle
The stats are amazing, like a lot of hunter cards...
God, considering what this does for chargers (especially Argent Horserider and Argent Commander) and that new Dispatch Kodo, I think this and the other Grimey Goons effects might allow for the return of Face Hunter. Hell, this thing's buff might even make Tundra Rhino a viable threat. Just anything that can make use of those buffs right away seems really strong.
Especially considering what TGT and LoE rotating out means: no Dragon taunts, no Flash Heal, no Justicar for Priest & Warrior, no Reno...I really think the Grimey Goons are going to give Hunters enough damage to start rushing people down again.
Made a deck with it think it could do pretty good when X-pack comes out http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/666391-gadgetzan-hunter
Hunter already has a good curve so this would be a great addition to midrange hunters. Heck i would even want to try control hunter. The boosting stat is insane imagine this on savannah highmane or on the new dispatch kodo. Even on n'zoth would be good.
Can't wait to try this out!
I think this might actually replace Houndmaster in some decks. This card is crazy in aggro (Imagine the buff on Argent Horserider) and control can very much use him too, as far a control hunter is a thing.
Great Arena card too. I am afraid this card is the Spirit Claws of this expansion. Real powerhouse.
Note: Too bad the art on this card look like a screenshot from WoW, for we'll be seeing this art alot.
Mmmh. 3/3 for 3 Mana isn't exactly bad but will not trade well with 3/4 minions. The 3 attack won't be enough to survive 4 health minions and the 3 health isn't enough to survive common 3 damage things.
Given this, this is a super card. If you play this on curve and have a little of board control, this card is absolutely insane.
This is second strictly overpowered Hunter card in the release that doesn't really need a deck built around it just has good stats and a good effect. Control is getting a lot more help this expansion though, so hopefully this is just necessary to balance out the most face class against the new wave of real viable control decks the HS community has been dreaming about.
Though it is possible a giant orange racist could step in and destroy all our dreams, cus that happens sometimes now apparently.
3 mana 5/5.
Hunter is getting enough deathrattle cards to at least try a deathrattle archetype. This one seems a pretty solid addition in that regard.
How isn't this a beast?
It looks like a Hyena to me...
It's not a hyena, it is a Gnoll, like Hogger.