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Never seen in play, but after DK Rexxar release, Dispatch Kodo has made a fantastic career.
so lol i get a 30 / 30 dispach kodo well played. the goons are OP
>kodo is a 2/4, can't be buffed to exactly 30/30
>hunter can have at most 12 handbuff cards, for a total of possibly +21/+21
>implying kodo is the only minion in hand to get buffed
>implying he lives long enough to get +21/+21 buffs on one singular minion while playing hunter
Nice try making up a bs story lol
new goal: play control hunter in wild; run 4 minions: 2 dispatch kodo's, emperor and brann; try to get 30+ damage combo with brann and kodos.
Yep, it sure does! I found that out the hard way, (missed 1 dmg because I assumed it wouldn't work that way).
sadly it just has the bland "bash" animation, figured it'd have like a cannon shot or something, oh well
someone already got cannon shot *cof* *cof* Patches the Pirate *cof* *cof*
Another hunter OP card. So hunters vs priests meta?
This card Should cost 5 mana, so op
Definitely needs a nerf before it hits the actual game, either dmg wise or cost wise.
Hunter mains be salty that I am pointing out a overpowered card
You're crying over milk that isn't spilled yet. Wait to see the meta before crying OP. This is a 4 mana card that needs other cards played ahead of it to be worthwhile. It does combo well with the goons it is a part of; however, Paladin is the one with buff all the cards in your hand. This will rely on cards specifically buffing it for it to be good (and most of those buffs are buff a random minion in your hand). Not nearly as strong/powerful as Call of the Wild was that truly needed a nerf. But I would bet that some more smorcing will go on with this card (either that or really valuable trading).
So this is basically pre-nerf Keeper of the Grove, but without the mana crystal option. It also has synergy with Leokk and other cards that boost damage for minions. So overall it seems like a great tempo play, but not broken. I would rate it 8/10 for constructed and 9/10 for arena.
1. Keeper of the Grove doesn't have a "mana crystal option" it has a silence.
2. The Battlecry takes place before board buffs. So there is no synergie with Leokk.
edit: apperently it does :D Feels strange tho
Sorry I don't play druid and for some reason I remembered a mana crystal rather than silence.
You were thinking of Grove Tender
This card isn't OP but it is really good cuz you can now synergize this card withShaky Zipgunner and Trogg Beastrager for some pretty insane value. It also has beast synergy so its even better...
But C'Thun's battlecry does get buffed by minions on board, like in this video at 2:20
So I think Dispatch Kodo's battlecry should get buffed by Leokk too.
Actually, the Battlecry damage does receive a boost from Leokk and Timber Wolf, (presumably Dire Wolf, Raid Leader, and Stormwind Champ as well). I didn't think it would either, so it caught me by surprise.
Dispatch Kodo is a great card, even unbuffed, just to fight for and keep the board in the midgame.
This is basically a Flametongue Kavu from Magic (for the old time sake). Very strong card, potentially could be even stronger with hand buffs.