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Whatever happened to this card? There I was thinking that Rogue was headed for a new stealth theme - something that actually makes sense for the class - but then we just got a bunch of plants and The Caverns Below.
Has good potential. Maybe Shaku with peddler rogue.
For Wild fans Shade of Naxxramas.
Hey, that's pretty good!
It's not bad if you can get the effect off. The problem is that there aren't all that many good Stealth minions. Stranglethorn Tiger, and that's about it, really, and Tiger's 5-mana. This is four. Overall...yeah, there are much better cards.
Houndmaster is a crazy card when it is played on curve, or even turn 5. This card has +1 health and -taunt effect. Taunt effect actually costs you 1 attack or 1 health, (Chillwind Yeti vs Sen'jin Shieldmasta) so they are almost even.
Stealth minions are easier to buff, 3 mana-cost stealth minions Silent Knight, Shaku, the Collector are very good minions once they get buffed.
So i think this card is really good.
since aggro rogue is everywhere today, i am proud of this comment.
Not the best but not the worst, playable.
Combine this with Shadowstep, Shadowcaster, and Gadgetzan Ferryman to keep pumping up the same minion to ludicrous levels.
Aaaand that attitude is exactly why the game gets so stale. =| People say they want variety, but then only play the cards that play themselves...
Seriously dude, you could do that same "combo" with any minion that gives buffs...
There are some videos of streamers pulling of the Shadowstep / Shadowcaster combo to summon 5 copies of Ragnaros or whatever, and yes the result is pretty fun to watch. But guess what's not fun? Watching them lose the first 99 times they try that combo, since it's just not good.
When people say they want variety, they want multiple good and viable decks instead of being forced to play the one overpowered deck the meta has. Not a somewhat fun combo that works 1 in every 10 games.
Standard Stealth Minions
Worgen Infiltrator, Twisted Worgen, Jade Swarmer, Patient Assassin, Shaku, the Collector, Silent Knight, Jungle Panther, Moroes, Stranglethorn Tiger, Lotus Assassin, Finja, the Flying Star, Ravenholdt Assassin
Standard Stealth Effects
Master of Disguise, Conceal, Fadeleaf Toxin
you sir, deserve a thumbs up.
this comment give me afew ideas , thx man
I've seen something simmilar for druid...
We have already Virmen Sensei and Menagerie Warden
Now we have also Shadow Sensei, so will next be like:
hearthstone animes of animecraft
Mini-Mage Buff!
I have feeling like these cards are supposed to be played on curve
Turn 3 and 4, get a 4/4 and a Stealthed Yeti taht gives you a card everytime he attacks? There aren't too many plays that get you that much value so soon.
And what do you do with these cards if you don't get them together?