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Very good
Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a 2/1 Taunt
i saw the golden one on the reveal stream and i MUST have it
I never was a fan of the "put a secret from your deck into the battlefield" mechanic. It makes you feel forced to cram secrets into your decks, and then when you actually draw the secrets your chance to win drops.
Ringing a bell isn't too Challenging, nor is a sentry too Angelic, but hey, i think he'll do just fine.
A "more fair" Mysterious Challenger. Could maybe see an archetype.
Love the card, love the effect. It's a pseudo mysterious challenger. Not op but I still like it.
Guys, has anybody looked at all (revealed) paladin cards for this expansion ? For all other classes the theme is The Witchwood, but for paladins it's Worgens' The Hunchback of Notre Dame !
And here we've got the opposite of the Corridor Creeper scenario where a card is overestimated because of resemblance to existing cards
Fuck this card. Secret Paladin needs to stay dead.
Good stats and ability, but with a lack of Paladin secrets it's not fantastic.
OOhhh this card is gonna be good solid stats. this is 6 mana worth of stats put into a 4 mana 3/4 it's a very good card. but paladin secrets aren't to Spectacular with no avenge but it's still pretty good value being able to cheat out secrets is always powerful this card will see play for sure same reason Mad scientist saw play and mysterious challenger saw play, being able to play cards for free is extremely strong effect even if the secrets aren't powerful. it'll be a baby version of Secrets paladin this could fit into murloc paladin or any paladin deck tbh because of the low cost high value.
Almost a fair card. 3 mana stats + 1 mana spell as immediate effect. It looks like it was designed for wild though. Or is it a hint for another secret coming?
Live like a Challenger; Die like a Scientist!
Oh no, I'm getting mad scientist flashbacks.
This card is like Mysterious Challenger's fanboy. It tries its best to be just like it, but is like a knock off and not doing a great job at it. What made Mysterious Challenger good is how the secrets work together with each other, with a single attack activating 3 and then punishing somebody if they do not attack. Due to this card only playing 1 at a time, it makes the secrets a lot worse. Paladin secrets are just too specific to make them good to on their own when randomly pulled out of the deck. Getaway Kodo can activate on this minion, which isn't worth it really, Noble Sacrifice is okay I guess, but not great. Redemption suffers from being not only bad most the time but also suffers from the same issues as Getaway Kodo does. Repentence can completely whiff and can be worthless depending on your opponents deck along with Sacred Trial. This leaves with two secrets, Competitive Spirit and Avenge, both of which do work well with this card.
Despite the fact I've said the card doesn't work well, it does look appealing though as a 4 mana 3/4 with a pseudo draw 2 effect, but I still don't feel like this card will be worth it.
For people who r having confliected opinion. This is a very good card. I would rate it 3/4 star. Image it as a 5/5 that block one attack if u pull the secret. This is also great thinning ur deck and getting better top decks. For example. Mage have arcanologist which is 2 Mana and to use secret is 3mana. This is similar. 4 Mana minion for 1 Mana secret that u don't have to cast. We also can't judge it now cuz not all paladin card r revealed yet.
it's a great card but the good secrets are in wild :/
Pretty sure by the time the deathrattle resolves the minion is already considered a gonner. So it wouldn't