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8/10 times deathrattle goes face
The deck limit of Fiery Bat is 2
The deck limit of Zubat is 30
This is one of my favorite cards now and I don't use it for Aggro. It trades up with most 2 cost cards because of its 2 attack. Mage's often hero power it on turn 2, or even use turn 1 coin against it. The death-rattle of a ping is super useful against Zoo and Aggro decks as it often will end up taking out two minions instead of one. I often find use for it with a rhino as an instant charge on turn 6. Love this card.
Counting the 1 shot deathrattle, 99 out of 99 times it goes to face...
If you playing a Hunter and this is not on your opening hand then contact Blizzard and open a ticket it's a known bug.
He'll always be your first..unless you've got rng like me.
This or Webspinner in midrange. Hrmmmmm...
I think this should be a 3 1 .
It's really unfair for hunter that all other classes have better 1 drops .
Shaman, Priest, Mage , Worlock have class specific one drops that can trade with this for FREE and not only that but some even got buffed later to push damage also or trade again with hunter's 2 drop ( shaman and mage ) . While Priest trades, heals, gets a card for free and trades again .
BLIZZARD come on !
I wouldn't say its Deathrattle was synergy with N'zoth as this is probably one of the last things you'd want to bring back with him.
Cool! Leper Gnome got nerfed!
*opens first pack of whispers*
*fiery bat*
James "Firebat" Kostesich is a Hearthstone player from the United States, currently playing for Cloud 9. He is the Hearthstone's first world championship winner.
They finally nerf Leper Gnome and then give hunters this so it crap on everything again? What were they thinking, making a change to achieve something then printing a new card to completely undo that change?
Smorc isn't dead! (just replace arcane with wolfrider or leeroy)
Uhm..Both wolfrider and leeroy was allready in the smorc deck with arcane...
I suppose those two people were paid to vote "dust it" in the poll.
This has inspired me to want to go win the World Championships, so I can see me immortalized as a 7/10 minion!
This card is going to be an auto-include in just about every Hunter in standard, as it effectively has a 50/50 shot of trading evenly with nearly every 1-2 drop in the game (plus, it's a beast!). Memeing aside, I believe that this card is designed poorly for the same reason Reynad hates Knife Juggler: Fiery Bat will decide entire games on Turn 2 from pure RNG, especially considering 2/3s will be much more common with the advent of Beckoner of Evil. It's less problematic than Knife Juggler (less juggles), but I think the "deal 1 to a random enemy" ability is awful and shouldn't be included on any cards, especially efficient early-game ones.
Wow, Firebat has his own card!
Man this card is good. It could win world tournaments.