
Card Text
Whenever this attacks a minion, Silence it.
Flavor Text
Hates waiting. Abhors chit chat. Fond of the color purple.
Whenever this attacks a minion, Silence it.
Hates waiting. Abhors chit chat. Fond of the color purple.
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This card can be a nightmare for totem shamans
Flavorful, I guess. But I dont see anyone playing this one if nobody is playing the 1 mana silence+draw spell. Am I missing something? Is this actually a garbage DH card?
Wtf is going on? First they release DH with 3-4 broken cards, then realize how those cards break the Meta and nerf DH in various patches. And now we begin again? This card basically is Ironbeak Owl with better stats. You know, when the control player finally manages to claim the board, low on health but now is his time, he gets up a big Taunt behind which he is gonna start his comeback. PSYCH, 3 mana rush with silence, so all those other minions can still hit the face.
This is not a strictly better Ironbeak Owl. Often it will be worse because you have to attack the minion you want to silence, which most likely will be a bad trade since minions worth silencing tend to be bigger. Ironbeak guarantees that you will have a 2/1 body after a silence, whereas this does not.
Does it silence before or after the hit
Before. Basically this card will destroy Edwin VanCleef and Twilight Drake.
True, my bad, the color is similar and I was using the cheap ass monitor I buy for 8 dollars when post this, I think I made a bad deal...
If there was a cheap Windfury we could give this, but alas...
... poor warlock
Hunter have problems with too many insanely overpowered cards for the 3 cost slot and probably this don't will make the cut.
In other classes this will be stable for next two years.
Huh? This is a demon hunter card