Bid a fond farewell to the Year of the Mammoth! Construct a deck using ONLY cards from Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Kobolds & Catacombs.
Zul'jin Rating 1(Excellent): Regardless of the amount of spells that get cast from the Battlecry you're still getting 5 Armor and a targetable Hero Power with Berserker Throw
How is this excellent ? 10 mana do nothing is a good way to instantly lose the game in arena. The random spells you'll be offered in arena won't be consistent enough to make this any good, especially for HUNTER, an archetype that is meant to be agressive, even in arena.
Animal Companion is a great example of something you might have cast during your game and any of Hunter's numerous direct damage spells, although the RNG could always come back to haunt you (and don't forget The Coin). Even if you only played 2 spells that's still likely 4-5+ mana worth that you get for free and I'd say that's pretty good along with the Armor and permanent targetable damage for your Hero Power.
At any rate, it's a moot point now because it won't be available in Arena anyway.
Halazzi, the Lynx Rating 2(Good): This is awesome if played late game, since you fill your hand up, but it should still be useful even if played earlier.
Auchenai Phantasm Rating 3(Average): This is one of those that could be better for the mid-late game, but works just fine as a two-drop without worrying about the Battlecry.
Drakkari Trickster Rating 3(Average): I love the stats, but I hate the effect. I consider it similar to how I looked at Griftah and how I hate giving my opponent anything. In this case you've both told each something about what's left in your deck and I don't like that.
Gurubashi Offering Rating 4(Poor): This seems like an annoyance in Arena, but might buy you an extra turn if your opponent can't kill you immediately and have to divert their attention to this speed bump.
Ice Cream Peddler Rating 3(Average): I doubt the Battlecry will trigger, but it's fine as a straight-up 3/5 minion.
Arena Patron Rating 4(Poor): It's nice to see Grim Patron's cousin, but he's probably not doing any crazy stunts in Arena.
Booty Bay Bookie Rating 3(Average): The stats are great, but you risk giving your opponent a significant advantage, especially in the early game.
Serpent Ward Rating 4(Poor): It's cool to see another Totem, but this won't last long unless you're able to hide it behind a Taunt.
Shieldbreaker Rating 3(Average): Pretty situational, but powerful for the late game when your opponent tosses up a wall.
Spirit of the Lynx Rating 2(Good): Hunter has Beasts running out their ears, so they should have absolutely no trouble in buffing numerous minions. It will be bad news if this thing is hidden behind a Taunt and a complete nightmare if they play Unleash the Hounds!
Arena Fanatic Rating 3(Average): I think I got spoiled by Grimestreet Outfitter, but it's nice to see that every class will have access to this effect now. If you don't see it in the early game it's probably gonna be disappointing when you do draw it.
Arena Treasure Chest Rating 4(Poor): Unless you have a way to pop this chest it's going to be a dead card most of the time.
Banana Buffoon Rating 3(Average): This could certainly be annoying. Especially if drawn in the early game.
Bloodclaw Rating 3(Average): I'm not wild about the 5 damage, but it is still a cheap Weapon. It's really going to depend on your draft to decide if this would fit in your deck.
Blood Troll Sapper Rating 1(Excellent): I love the stats and it will make choices more difficult for your opponent while they are trying to clear the board. Obviously this minion will have a huge target on it, but it's large enough to survive most single attacks.
Cheaty Anklebiter Rating 3(Average): Seems fine for a standard two-drop, especially with the Battlecry.
Demonbolt Rating 2(Good): I love that you can get this for 1 mana if you've got a full board, but it's worse the further behind you are.
Devastate Rating 2(Good): It's cheap removal that can easily substitute for Execute in most cases.
Dozing Marksman Rating 3(Average): Most opponents can just ignore this, but could be interesting in Mage.
Dragonmaw Scorcher Rating 2(Good): That is a really nice built-in AOE, even if it hits your own minions.
Dragon Roar Rating 2(Good): Marsh Drake and Ebon Dragonsmith are probably the least desirable, but you've got a great chance at getting something huge or a board clear - or both!
Flash of Light 3(Average): The heal is decent, but the card draw is what interests me the most.
Former Champ Rating 1(Excellent): 6/6 worth of combined stats for only 5 mana? Yep, I'll take it!
Half-Time Scavenger Rating 3(Average): The Armor gain isn't a huge deal, but Stealth could prove useful in making it easier to set up for the Overkill.
Headhunter's Hatchet Rating 2(Good): I think it's good even if you don't get the additional Durability.
Helpless Hatchling Rating 4(Poor): He's cute, but sadly will be "Worthless" Hatchling in Arena most of the time.
Mosh'ogg Enforcer Rating 3(Average): This is one large, annoying wall. It's got so much Health that it's going to probably take your opponent a couple of turns to hack through, and they could be dead by that point.
Ornery Tortoise Rating 4(Poor): This is really going to depend on your deck and the class you're playing. For most situations taking 5 damage is not something to take lightly.
Pounce Rating 3(Average): This seems fine compared to Claw.
Regeneratin' Thug Rating 2(Good): This basically comes with a soft Taunt, cause your opponent can't ignore it unless they want to let you continue picking off smaller minions only to be healed up your next turn.
Rumbletusk Shaker Rating 3(Average): You're basically spending the mana up front to get another two-drop when this one dies. It's not bad, but not amazing either.
Scarab Egg Rating 4(Poor): Like several other minions, if you can't bust this it's just a dead card.
Serrated Tooth Rating 2(Good): It's a cheap Weapon with an impactful Deathrattle.
Spellzerker Rating 3(Average): I think it's fine as a 2-drop, but can wreak havoc if you get some Spell Power shenanigans started.
Stolen Steel Rating 3(Average): Being able to Discover a Weapon is pretty strong. However, I'm not sure if it would be any stronger than if you had just drafted a Weapon, cause you're adding two mana to whatever you get.
Wartbringer Rating 3(Average): I wouldn't expect to trigger the Battlecry most of the time, but it's fine as a 1-drop.
Krag'wa, the Frog Rating 2(Good): The stats are passable even if you don't get anything from the Battlecry, but when you do you're going to get some amazing value.
Treespeaker Rating 4(Poor): This is definitely situational, but if you've got lots of Treants it could be huge.
Scorch Rating 3(Average): If you've got a deck heavy with Elementals then it probably bumps up in rating slightly. Either way, it's still removal.
Mojomaster Zihi Rating 4(Poor): This seems more like a delay tactic for Constructed, but it doesn't look like it would do much good in Arena unless you were already ahead on the board.
Zul'jin Rating 1(Excellent): Regardless of the amount of spells that get cast from the Battlecry you're still getting 5 Armor and a targetable Hero Power with Berserker Throw.
Splitting Image Rating 2(Good): This Secret is right up there with Mosh'Ogg Announcer on the annoyance factor scale. This could cause a lot of trouble, especially if it's a Taunt minion they're dealing with.
Bloodsail Howler Rating 4(Poor): This is very deck-specific and most of the time will be junk unless you've got a load of Pirates.
Spirit of the Rhino Rating 4(Poor): It's another deck-specific card, that could certainly prove useful in a deck with a decent supply of Rush minions, but otherwise lackluster.
Mosh'Ogg Announcer Rating 2(Good): Unless your opponent has hard removal this could be a pain to get rid of. It is certain to cause quite a bit of disruption and frustration in Arena.
Snapjaw Shellfighter Rating 3(Average): This is another one of those cards that will be frustrating for your opponent and could prove challenging if it's beside a large Taunt.
Mark of the Loa Rating 2(Good): Those are a lot of stats to throw around in the early game, not to mention the Taunt aspect. This could be really tough for most players to deal with.
Da Undatakah Rating 3(Average): Unless you've got a decent selection of Deathrattle minions I don't think this rates any higher. If you play it without gaining the Battlecry it's mostly 'meh'.
Gonk, the Raptor Rating 3(Average): It has an odd ability that will be tough to use consistently in Arena. The stats are alright otherwise, and it should prove useful simply by being a decent-sized minion.
Linecracker Rating 1(Excellent): That statline is awesome and I can see this quickly becoming a nightmare in Arena.
Bog Slosher Rating 3(Average): It should create some fun scenarios with Saronite Chain Gang or simply bouncing back your own totems.
Regenerate Rating 5(Terrible): Free heals are nice, but unless you've got some other cool interactions with other cards in your draft there's really no reason to pick this.
Sand Drudge Rating 3(Average): It's fine as a 3/3 itself, but if you've got a spell-heavy deck this probably jumps up to a 2.
Seance Rating 3(Average): This is pretty situational, as you've got to have something on the board worth copying in the first place.
Captain Hooktusk Rating 4(Poor): The stats are terrible and I can only see this being useful if you've drafted several Pirates for your deck.
Wardruid Loti Rating 1(Excellent): It's cheap and extremely versatile. Being able to create your own solution for different situations is really powerful.
Big Bad Voodoo Rating 3(Average): Given that the effect is random I don't know that it merits more than an Average rating.
Master's Call Rating 4(Poor): I would never expect to get the full potential from this card in Arena, so you're likely to just be Discovering one minion in your deck. Sadly, it does nothing to the board, so it's really a last ditch effort to find something useful.
Bloodscalp Strategist Rating 3(Average): It seems okay to me and has a decent upside if you're able to trigger it.
Emberscale Drake Rating 3(Average): I think it's fine as a vanilla 5/5 body for 5 mana, but the Armor is irrelevent. The Dragon tag does count for something and could possibly be useful in other interactions.
Elemental Evocation Rating 4(Poor): We've got quite a few Elementals floating around, so this could prove useful in the early game. If you've got an Elemental-heavy deck it probably goes up slightly in value.
Sightless Ranger Rating 4(Poor): It's only good if you can trigger the Overkill, giving you 5/6 worth of combined stats for only 5 mana. If you can't manage that it's overcosted.
Thanks for all the memories, everyone!
We started the thread on HearthStation for this reveal period. You can find it HERE.
Bid a fond farewell to the Year of the Mammoth! Construct a deck using ONLY cards from Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Kobolds & Catacombs.
I've created a brand new deck using Priest that is way more consistent: . However, Doomsayer still remains an absolutely terrible addition. He nearly always gets killed immediately and you're screwed.
Yep - cheers, boozor!
The League of Explorers status: 100% complete.
New guides for Hall of Explorers is finished!
Eternal is a great CCG too, but nothing says you have to pick ONE game and stick with it exclusively.
I play Hearthstone, Eternal, Elder Scrolls: Legends, and M:tG: Arena, and they ALL offer something different.
Animal Companion is a great example of something you might have cast during your game and any of Hunter's numerous direct damage spells, although the RNG could always come back to haunt you (and don't forget The Coin). Even if you only played 2 spells that's still likely 4-5+ mana worth that you get for free and I'd say that's pretty good along with the Armor and permanent targetable damage for your Hero Power.
At any rate, it's a moot point now because it won't be available in Arena anyway.
Halazzi, the Lynx Rating 2(Good): This is awesome if played late game, since you fill your hand up, but it should still be useful even if played earlier.
Auchenai Phantasm Rating 3(Average): This is one of those that could be better for the mid-late game, but works just fine as a two-drop without worrying about the Battlecry.
Drakkari Trickster Rating 3(Average): I love the stats, but I hate the effect. I consider it similar to how I looked at Griftah and how I hate giving my opponent anything. In this case you've both told each something about what's left in your deck and I don't like that.
Gurubashi Offering Rating 4(Poor): This seems like an annoyance in Arena, but might buy you an extra turn if your opponent can't kill you immediately and have to divert their attention to this speed bump.
Ice Cream Peddler Rating 3(Average): I doubt the Battlecry will trigger, but it's fine as a straight-up 3/5 minion.
Arena Patron Rating 4(Poor): It's nice to see Grim Patron's cousin, but he's probably not doing any crazy stunts in Arena.
Booty Bay Bookie Rating 3(Average): The stats are great, but you risk giving your opponent a significant advantage, especially in the early game.
Serpent Ward Rating 4(Poor): It's cool to see another Totem, but this won't last long unless you're able to hide it behind a Taunt.
Shieldbreaker Rating 3(Average): Pretty situational, but powerful for the late game when your opponent tosses up a wall.
Spirit of the Lynx Rating 2(Good): Hunter has Beasts running out their ears, so they should have absolutely no trouble in buffing numerous minions. It will be bad news if this thing is hidden behind a Taunt and a complete nightmare if they play Unleash the Hounds!
Arena Fanatic Rating 3(Average): I think I got spoiled by Grimestreet Outfitter, but it's nice to see that every class will have access to this effect now. If you don't see it in the early game it's probably gonna be disappointing when you do draw it.
Arena Treasure Chest Rating 4(Poor): Unless you have a way to pop this chest it's going to be a dead card most of the time.
Banana Buffoon Rating 3(Average): This could certainly be annoying. Especially if drawn in the early game.
Bloodclaw Rating 3(Average): I'm not wild about the 5 damage, but it is still a cheap Weapon. It's really going to depend on your draft to decide if this would fit in your deck.
Blood Troll Sapper Rating 1(Excellent): I love the stats and it will make choices more difficult for your opponent while they are trying to clear the board. Obviously this minion will have a huge target on it, but it's large enough to survive most single attacks.
Cheaty Anklebiter Rating 3(Average): Seems fine for a standard two-drop, especially with the Battlecry.
Demonbolt Rating 2(Good): I love that you can get this for 1 mana if you've got a full board, but it's worse the further behind you are.
Devastate Rating 2(Good): It's cheap removal that can easily substitute for Execute in most cases.
Dozing Marksman Rating 3(Average): Most opponents can just ignore this, but could be interesting in Mage.
Dragonmaw Scorcher Rating 2(Good): That is a really nice built-in AOE, even if it hits your own minions.
Dragon Roar Rating 2(Good): Marsh Drake and Ebon Dragonsmith are probably the least desirable, but you've got a great chance at getting something huge or a board clear - or both!
Flash of Light 3(Average): The heal is decent, but the card draw is what interests me the most.
Former Champ Rating 1(Excellent): 6/6 worth of combined stats for only 5 mana? Yep, I'll take it!
Half-Time Scavenger Rating 3(Average): The Armor gain isn't a huge deal, but Stealth could prove useful in making it easier to set up for the Overkill.
Headhunter's Hatchet Rating 2(Good): I think it's good even if you don't get the additional Durability.
Helpless Hatchling Rating 4(Poor): He's cute, but sadly will be "Worthless" Hatchling in Arena most of the time.
Mosh'ogg Enforcer Rating 3(Average): This is one large, annoying wall. It's got so much Health that it's going to probably take your opponent a couple of turns to hack through, and they could be dead by that point.
Ornery Tortoise Rating 4(Poor): This is really going to depend on your deck and the class you're playing. For most situations taking 5 damage is not something to take lightly.
Pounce Rating 3(Average): This seems fine compared to Claw.
Regeneratin' Thug Rating 2(Good): This basically comes with a soft Taunt, cause your opponent can't ignore it unless they want to let you continue picking off smaller minions only to be healed up your next turn.
Rumbletusk Shaker Rating 3(Average): You're basically spending the mana up front to get another two-drop when this one dies. It's not bad, but not amazing either.
Scarab Egg Rating 4(Poor): Like several other minions, if you can't bust this it's just a dead card.
Serrated Tooth Rating 2(Good): It's a cheap Weapon with an impactful Deathrattle.
Spellzerker Rating 3(Average): I think it's fine as a 2-drop, but can wreak havoc if you get some Spell Power shenanigans started.
Stolen Steel Rating 3(Average): Being able to Discover a Weapon is pretty strong. However, I'm not sure if it would be any stronger than if you had just drafted a Weapon, cause you're adding two mana to whatever you get.
Wartbringer Rating 3(Average): I wouldn't expect to trigger the Battlecry most of the time, but it's fine as a 1-drop.
Krag'wa, the Frog Rating 2(Good): The stats are passable even if you don't get anything from the Battlecry, but when you do you're going to get some amazing value.
Treespeaker Rating 4(Poor): This is definitely situational, but if you've got lots of Treants it could be huge.
Scorch Rating 3(Average): If you've got a deck heavy with Elementals then it probably bumps up in rating slightly. Either way, it's still removal.
The Beast Within Rating 5(Terrible): This is too situational to even be playable.
Mass Hysteria Rating 4(Poor): This might be alright as a last ditch effort if you're behind, but otherwise, it could do more harm than good.
Mojomaster Zihi Rating 4(Poor): This seems more like a delay tactic for Constructed, but it doesn't look like it would do much good in Arena unless you were already ahead on the board.
Zul'jin Rating 1(Excellent): Regardless of the amount of spells that get cast from the Battlecry you're still getting 5 Armor and a targetable Hero Power with Berserker Throw.
Splitting Image Rating 2(Good): This Secret is right up there with Mosh'Ogg Announcer on the annoyance factor scale. This could cause a lot of trouble, especially if it's a Taunt minion they're dealing with.
Bloodsail Howler Rating 4(Poor): This is very deck-specific and most of the time will be junk unless you've got a load of Pirates.
Spirit of the Rhino Rating 4(Poor): It's another deck-specific card, that could certainly prove useful in a deck with a decent supply of Rush minions, but otherwise lackluster.
Mosh'Ogg Announcer Rating 2(Good): Unless your opponent has hard removal this could be a pain to get rid of. It is certain to cause quite a bit of disruption and frustration in Arena.
Snapjaw Shellfighter Rating 3(Average): This is another one of those cards that will be frustrating for your opponent and could prove challenging if it's beside a large Taunt.
Mark of the Loa Rating 2(Good): Those are a lot of stats to throw around in the early game, not to mention the Taunt aspect. This could be really tough for most players to deal with.
Da Undatakah Rating 3(Average): Unless you've got a decent selection of Deathrattle minions I don't think this rates any higher. If you play it without gaining the Battlecry it's mostly 'meh'.
Gonk, the Raptor Rating 3(Average): It has an odd ability that will be tough to use consistently in Arena. The stats are alright otherwise, and it should prove useful simply by being a decent-sized minion.
Linecracker Rating 1(Excellent): That statline is awesome and I can see this quickly becoming a nightmare in Arena.
Bog Slosher Rating 3(Average): It should create some fun scenarios with Saronite Chain Gang or simply bouncing back your own totems.
Regenerate Rating 5(Terrible): Free heals are nice, but unless you've got some other cool interactions with other cards in your draft there's really no reason to pick this.
Sand Drudge Rating 3(Average): It's fine as a 3/3 itself, but if you've got a spell-heavy deck this probably jumps up to a 2.
Seance Rating 3(Average): This is pretty situational, as you've got to have something on the board worth copying in the first place.
Captain Hooktusk Rating 4(Poor): The stats are terrible and I can only see this being useful if you've drafted several Pirates for your deck.
Wardruid Loti Rating 1(Excellent): It's cheap and extremely versatile. Being able to create your own solution for different situations is really powerful.
Big Bad Voodoo Rating 3(Average): Given that the effect is random I don't know that it merits more than an Average rating.
Master's Call Rating 4(Poor): I would never expect to get the full potential from this card in Arena, so you're likely to just be Discovering one minion in your deck. Sadly, it does nothing to the board, so it's really a last ditch effort to find something useful.
Bloodscalp Strategist Rating 3(Average): It seems okay to me and has a decent upside if you're able to trigger it.
Emberscale Drake Rating 3(Average): I think it's fine as a vanilla 5/5 body for 5 mana, but the Armor is irrelevent. The Dragon tag does count for something and could possibly be useful in other interactions.
Elemental Evocation Rating 4(Poor): We've got quite a few Elementals floating around, so this could prove useful in the early game. If you've got an Elemental-heavy deck it probably goes up slightly in value.
Sightless Ranger Rating 4(Poor): It's only good if you can trigger the Overkill, giving you 5/6 worth of combined stats for only 5 mana. If you can't manage that it's overcosted.