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Marsh Drake ´s Drakeslayer into Betrayal
Please stop playing this card. Drakeslayers are going extinct.
Frost Lich Jaina's best friend. She needs targets for her hero ability to kill in order to give you 3/6 Water Elementals and by playing this card you get a 5/4 Marsh Drake Dragon and a 3/6 Water Elemental for 5 mana after killing the gifted 2/1 poisonous Drakeslayer.
In arena: T2 Rogue hero power, T3 this and kill the 2/1.
Good stats and a 2/1 is pretty easy to get rid of. Plus, dragon synergy.
thank you i will taunt it immediately.
I'm thinking it's that card that's gonna get it's stats nerfed in a month. There are so many ways to clear that 2/1 minion it's not even funny.
Not really. Yeah you get an over-statted minion but you lose tempo by having to kill the 2/1. You either need to have a cheap minion survive from the turn before or use a weapon/hero power/spell so this really costs about 4 or 5 mana, maybe more.
It will likely see play in druid, rogue or mage because they have a reliable ping, but I don't think it will be that strong.
I hope so, as I'm not keen on having another Corridor Creeper :P If Rogue got better cards, it would be scarier. Time will tell, I'm really looking forward to this exp!
Really? What if I WANT to kill the token? What if I WANT to use Mortal Coil on it?
And part of the Zoolock deckbuild is Argent Squire, a 1/1 Divine Shield minion minion that can trade into the Drakeslayer token with no issues and leave you with a 5/4 as early as TURN TWO.
To understand how good a card is, one has to figure out how they can make the most out of a card with all the classes. This is an EXTREMELY powerful card in Zoolock.
Like I said. you need to have a minion on board to trade or use a spell/hero power/weapon to kill the 2/1 so you are basically paying at least 4 mana to play this
I'm not saying it will be bad and It might see play in zoo/aggro it's just a bit clunky to get into action so I don't think it's going to be totally bonkers and people will be yelling for a nerf.
I feel like I'd need an elven archer to 1 shot it or a mage/druid to attack. I don't know much about tempo, but this card does seem like it works best if you're at 4+ mana or if you have some taunts up that you don't mind losing.
Yeah you have to have either a Wicked Knife/Poisoned Dagger, Candleshot, or Icy Touch from Frost Lich Jaina
I think that the Marsh Drake is the Corridor Creeper of this expansion--it doesn't initially appear intimidating and people miss it during the reviews, but it will eventually plague the meta. So many classes have ways to prepare a solution to this downside that we could be seeing a lot of turn 2 (coin) or turn 3 tempo swings with this card.
Zoolock can use Mortal Coil
Hunter can equip Candleshot
Warrior can equip Woodcutter's Axe or Whirlwind
Aggro Paladin always has a 1/1 out on turns 1 and 2 so you can easily just trade one in against the minion you summon.
In short, fast and aggressive decks, especially zoo decks, love this card.
Here is a link to a preliminary warrior tempo deck that aims to exploit this card:
Rogue has Dagger Mastery.
Icy Touch
the list goes on...
I'm not sure why you are down-voted, this card seems really strong to me too... maybe not Corridor Creeper but I see it being a staple in any aggro deck.
It enables Cathedral Gargoyle too
The thing with Mage and Druid though it it costs a whole 2 mana, might as well play a 5 drop.
A rogue uses a previous turn's dagger.
Wild dragon priest with Potion of Madness is just disguising with this card.
With further consideration, I think that the Marsh Drake is the Corridor Creeper of this expansion--it doesn't initially appear intimidating and people miss it during the reviews, but it will eventually plague the meta. So many classes have ways to prepare a solution to this downside that we could be seeing a lot of turn 2 (coin) or turn 3 tempo swings with this card.
Zoolock can use Mortal Coil
Hunter can equip Candleshot
Warrior can equip Woodcutter's Axe or Whirlwind
Aggro Paladin always has a 1/1 out on turns 1 and 2 so you can easily just trade one in against the minion you summon.
In short, fast and aggressive decks, especially zoo decks, love this card.
Here is a link to a preliminary warrior tempo deck that aims to exploit this card: