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Finally, Saronite Chain Gang is back! This nerf was wrong because it damaged other decks, especially handbuff, they should have nerfed immediately Shudderwock admitting the mistake, not everything neutral battle cry cards that have a synergy with this one, so at the same time destroying a lot of not problematic decks (this has been ridiculous ... )
but shudder shaman has done that anyway now that saronite has been nerfed? and this card is really fun in buff decks, or at least it was.
On the bright side, it has synergy with Sonya Shadowdancer now.
Saronite was OP and a contrivance in any deck it was good in. Sad thing is that people don't even realize? It's still a really good card, it will only be remembered for it's battlecry exploit in Shudderwock.
Basically this card and Fungalmancer needed the nastiest nerfs. This is a good thing. I played Shudderwock before it was refined, I drew it randomly, super super boring deck to play after awhile. The fact that people still play it just tells me that people are around to exploit meta archetypes to climb ranked.
Evidently, it has gone on long enough.
How long can this-
Oh wait, it's over.
Hahahaha Get nerfed! screw you 10 minute shudderwocks!
Hate facing shudderwock jus coz of this one stupid ass fuck card, how can blizzard allow this wtf jus change this to deathrattle summon a 2/3 taunt.
if you don't wild, you shouldn't meet that many shudderwock shamans. unless they are using their shudderwocks to the boar to get otk with shudderwock + boar combo.
How to fix the "infinite" Shudderwock combo without ruining any cards: change Saronite Chain Gang's battlecry to "Summon another Saronite Chain Gang with the same stats".
You can thank me later, Blizzard.
Then wild shudderwock shaman just switches this out for dopplegangster..
After nerf but still: it would still be wild's problem.
Great card :D
This sounds off without the accompanying echo/secondary voice
I thought the card says: Oh Lord can this go on ?! xD This card is really good if you have it . Basically two copies of it on fourth turn plus taunt.
Can't go wrong with it :)
Most unfortunate if it evolves in doppelgangster.