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Can somebody smart explain why the card is so good? I see a 4 dmg for 5 dmg trade off which costs you 5 mana (sry I am a mage main XD)
Finally a reliable way to deal damage to ourselves to make use of the nice healing packages we have. Healadin inc.
Why there is only "Meta Defining!" and "Very Good" buttons on the voting poll.
Why do I feel like this weapon belongs to a Warlock rather than a Paladin? The flavor of this thing is just... off. I mean, yeah, it synergizes with Pally's heal mechanic, but thematically...
Great if Healadin works, average in Odd Paladin. Against aggressive decks this could very well get you killed since even with the tempo boost you might just take too much damage and get murdered later on
LockLadin weapon. not good.
Very strong vs zoo lock, even shaman and hunter.
I agree, usually paladin struggles on board against aggro so this weapon is really good on what you mentioned, also gonna be sick with healadin.
Odd paladin needed some help so this is great
Bye Bye turn 2 2 health minions against Paladin....you pay a bit of life for a lot of tempo awesome.
That weapon looks great but not only for heal paladi nthey showed us. Early game weapon for a little cost is low price to pay for paladin and might help win the board easier than now.