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I love the flavor text on this one, actually made me laugh out loud x)
oh hi mark
Mark of the Loa has as much in common with Druid's Loa, as Mark of Y'Shaarj has with Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. Strange Blizz logic, didn't get it before neither now
Flexible but not broken. Decent card. But not sure if there is room or need for this in Token Druid or not.
I don't know about this one. At first glance, summoning 2 3/2s might be pretty good for a token deck;
and giving something +2/4 taunt (while mana inefficient) can protect your board too!
But Saronite Chain Gang exists and is more mana efficient; giving you both 2 tokens and taunt. Maybe if it rotates out?
But even now, if you want +health/taunt, you can either play the cheaper Mark of the Wild or Mark of Nature.
Both do not see a lot of play.
If you want to summon tokens, we currently have Landscaping which has premium stats (3 mana 4/4)!
Also isn't played a lot :/
(Edit: Some typos)
Well this is also have "premium stats" to 6/4 for 4 mana (which is nice) ALSO comparing this to Mark of the Wild Mark of Nature and Landscaping is not fair because this card have something that they don't have: flexibility; yes Saronite Chain Gang is better, but this card might still see play because of the flexiblility, probably only in a few decks (Token Druid) but it's very good for Arena, because he can both make board OR upgrade a existing one. Playable, not meta, but not trash OR pack filler.
Flexibility is only good if both options are independently decent, and if one is is almost always good. In this case, I think that holds true
Decent. Not broken, not too good. Just enough to be playable.
in Hearthstone "enough" is closer to unplayable than playable XD
That is actually really, really good.
Compare the first half to Velen's Chosen, which really has no business costing (3) and STILL sees intermittent play in Wild years after its release. When you substitute out Spell Damage +1 (which in nine out of ten cases was irrelevant) and substitute in Taunt, you get a card that is constructed viable at 4 mana. (Large minions love to have taunt because they're difficult to trade with.)
The second half is similarly solid on its own merits. Two 3/2s on turn 4 can threaten to trade with most five drops without breaking a sweat, and even if you're losing, your opponent will have to spent two attacks to kill this off. Very few removal spells can kill both raptors for less than the 4 mana + 1 card that spawned them in the first place.
Either half of this card would be perfectly playable in Arena and would even have a chance of Constructed play. But when you combine them into a choose one card, they compliment each other perfectly. When you have a wide board, summoning two raptors borders on overextending, but giving a minion +2/+4 can make your board sticky enough to take a board clear without losing steam. When your board is empty, giving a minion +2/+4 isn't terribly useful, but summoning two raptors puts your opponent right back on the defensive.
Conclusion: One of the best cards in the set. (Not usable in Combo Druid though.) Token Druid will bend over backwards to find space for this card.
big meh.
flexible yes, but as of now we don't really have a lot of good 3-drops in druid that curve into this, and I don't think running two Bloodfen Raptors packaged into a single card is something Druid really wants or needs. At least not as long as Chaing Gang and Oaken Summons is still in Standard.
Even after the rotation I don't think this would see play unless we get a whole bunch of really good 3-mana buff targets.
Annoy-o-Module without divine shield for any minion or Worgen Greaser split in 2 bodies and with 1 extra HP.
Interesting card but i don't think it it may see much play... Guess in arena it may be useful.
I like this one so much! :-)
Druid’s Mark of the Loa has nothing to do with the Druid’s Loa. Gonk what are you doing man? Gimme something I can combo you with.
In taunt token Druid actually might be interesting...